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他是个清心寡欲的人。He is a man who want less.

我可以生活,我可以清心寡欲。I can live, and need little.

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他是个清心寡欲的人。He is a man without great ambitions.

于清心寡欲之外,亦有一颗热爱花团锦簇的灵魂。Guayu in Qingxin, also the soul of a love of flowers.

对名望的追求让我们过诗人清心寡欲的生活。Fame spurs us to pursue the abstinent life of the poet.

有些人清心寡欲。Some people have far fewer desires than the rest of us.

基蒂一家清心寡欲,淡泊金钱与权力。Kitty's family was unworldly, unimpressed by power, or money.

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我现在所做的一切-他们基本不需要什么条件。我可以生活,我可以清心寡欲。These things I do now — they require almost nothing. I can live, and need little.

但从整体上讲,我还是感到自己是一个清心寡欲的人。But in the main, I feel like a person who controls his passions and has few desires.

难道你看不出在他的优雅下,我已经多年小心地过着清心寡欲的生活吗?Don't you see that by his grace I have been for many years now careful to lead a chaste and sober life?

中医认为,夜间属于阴时间---即清心寡欲并让你的身心得到彻底放松的时间段。In Chinese Medicine, nighttime is yin time—or, simply, when the body takes care of itself instead of your desires.

佛教教义里提倡的清心寡欲,在这个圣地里并没有被实施。"Cleanse your heart and limit your desires", which is advocated in Buddhism, is not advocated in this holly place.

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女主从床缝里爬出来,坚持睡在地上,男主无奈只好答应只清心寡欲这一天。She climbed out of the bed sewing, insist to sleep on the floor, male master reluctantly agreed to only have this day.

两者色调和谐,此刻车模与车浑然一体,将锐志部分清心寡欲的状态勾勒出来。Both tone is harmonious, this moment Che Mu and the vehicle unified whole, outlines the resolute part pure in heart condition.

中国古代和谐理念以“等差有别”、“清心寡欲”、“天人合一”为基本精神,本质上追求的是一种以君主为中心的不同等级之间的和谐。Chinese ancient concept of harmony takes"gradation and difference", "pure mind with few desires"and"harmony of man with nature"as its basic spirit.

有时候,我也渴望尽情地享受生活,但从整体上讲,我还是感到自己是一个清心寡欲的人。At certain times, I also aspire to enjoy my life to the fullest. But in the main, I feel like a person who controls his passions and has few desires.

所以,中国人认为到山中去旅行一次,可以有清心寡欲的功效,使人除掉许多愚蠢的野心和不必要的烦恼。That is why a mountain trip is supposed by the Chinese to have a cathartic effect, cleansing one's breast of a lot of foolish ambitions and unnecessary worries.

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于是,阿加西独霸着一个宽敞的笼子,过着至尊无上而又清心寡欲的生活,直到莲娜的出现。Reluctant to release Ajiaxi back to nature, ?the nail-biting zoologists?put Ajiaxi into a spacious cage where he lived a superior and sex-free life until Liana came to him.

有关个人责任的美德包括尽力去获得技能和教育,努力工作,清心寡欲,耐心和坚持。Virtue with regard to one's tasks in life consists of trying to acquire skills and education, working hard, not spending more than necessary, being patient, and persevering.

气温一降,倒把我俩给冻得清心寡欲起来,情欲像是睡着了似的,怎么唤也唤不起。Air temperature falls, engage in profiteering I two to aspic clear heart few is about to rise, passional resembling was to be asleep like, how to call out also call out do not rise.