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无病虫害,整齐度好,上花率高。No pests, uniformity is good, spend rate.

农作物经常遭受病虫害。The crops suffered from frequent blights.

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本文介绍了叶用枸杞的繁殖、栽培和病虫害防治等技术。Culture for the Leaf-used Plant of Lycium barbarum L.

化学防治能在病虫害防治中起到主要作用。Chemical control will do most of things in pest control.

他们还提供病虫害防治、餐饮、甚至儿童护理。They also provide pest control, catering and even child care.

利用生物防治法控制园林病虫害。Using bio-control approach to control and manage the pest and disease.

作物栽培面积越大,则病虫害的问题也越多。Plant culture area bigger, then the plant disease question are also more.

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本文介绍了昆明地区板栗的主要病虫害。This paper introduces the main pest disease of Chestnut in Kunming district.

课程可能包括土壤学,草坪管理,病虫害防治。Courses are likely to include soil science, turf management, and pest control.


对广西全州县的金槐病虫害种类进行了调查。The category and distribution of diseased and pests in gold Sophora japonica L.

第三,花椒树的病虫害比较少,因此不需要太精心的管理。Third, Hua Jiaoshu fewer pests and diseases, so do not be too careful management.

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本文对印楝油在作物病虫害防治上的研究及应用做了介绍。This article mainly introduce the study and usage of neem oil in crop protection.

他们到达的头几年,条件是非常艰苦的,寒冷的气候和病虫害毁坏了他们的庄稼。The first few years were difficult. Cold weather and insects destroyed their crops.

常温烟雾施药法是设施农业病虫害防治的新技术。An applying pesticide method of the fogger in normal temperature is a new technology.

可作为植物功能调节剂,刺激植物生长,增强植物对病虫害的防御能力等。It can act as plant function regulator , stimulate plant growth and resist to insect.

所以,长期看来,这样的研究中心是不能保证香榧树抵抗病虫害的。So, trees in such centers will not be capable of surviving diseases in the long term.

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展望了农作物病虫害生物防治技术的发展前景。The future of bio-control technology of crops diseases and insect pests was prospected.

同时,记录了它在恩施的物候反应及病虫害调查结果。At the same time, the response to the climate and pests in Enshi area were investigated.

在很多国家,一些非政府和其他组织为农民提供病虫害综合防治课程。A number of non-governmental and other organizations in many countries provide education in IPM.