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中国最近一直在遭殃。China has been suffering of late.

许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。Many pets are victims of overfeeding.

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巫医念了咒语想叫我家的牛遭殃。The witch-doctor has cursed our cattle.

君王发狂,百姓遭殃。Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

使人人遭殃的风才是恶风。It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

君王发狂,英语格言有那些。百姓遭殃。Kings gompost, and the people suffer for it.

一个人痴迷好色,害得多少人遭殃!And one man's lust these many lives confounds.

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每逢狐狸讲道,当心鹅儿遭殃。When the fox preacheth,then beware your geese.

每逢狐狸讲道,当心鹅儿遭殃。When the fox preacheth, then beware your geese.

猫鼠一家亲,杂货店老闆就遭殃。When the cat and mouse agree, the grocer is ruined.

牛因有脚而被抓,相比看英语培训。人因有舌而遭殃。An ox is taken by the horns and the man by the tongue.

牛因有脚然而被抓,人因有舌然而遭殃。An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue.

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人人顾自己,落后者遭殃。Every man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost.

据说芬里村这个小庄里有一棵“遭殃树”。The little business Parker had started soon peaked out.

营养不良首先是让我们农民遭殃。The poor nutrition is first of all suffered by our farmers.

如果你们不在课堂讨论好好表现,你们的分数可能会遭殃。If you blow off discussion section, you're grade will suffer.

敌兵纷纷逃窜,听任后面的人遭殃。The enemy soldiers fled and let the devil catch the hindmost.

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据说芬里村这个小庄里有一棵“遭殃树”。The tiny village of Finley is said to possess a "cursed tree."

而现在母亲们都必须让她们的小不点儿们呆在家里,免得遭殃。And now the mothers must keep their tots indoors out of harm's way.

但是,最有可能因为普京的回归而遭殃的是格鲁吉亚。But it’s Georgia that is most likely to suffer from Putin’s return.