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你在无能无力中老去,画地为牢。You end up feeling incapable, powerless.

黑暗降临了!我独自一人画地为牢。I desired to draw a circle where I stayed alone.

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如果有人画地为牢把他自己关起来,世界就会开一条道来到他门前。If a man keeps his trap shut, the world will beat a path to his door.

剩下画地为牢,这个荒诞的词,与我一起灰飞烟灭。The remaining prison, the absurd words, together with my ashes to ashes.

那曾经的美好,我今天画地为牢,风蚀的爱情我不愿再滞留。It was the wonderful, I today a prison, wind erosion love I don't want to stop.

只有画地为牢和创设分隔的空间才使得它变为可能。Only by drawing boundaries and creating separate spaces is it possible to do this.

许多动物就是用气味画地为牢的,这其中包括家猫和野猫。Many animals mark territory by smell, including domestic cats and their wild cousins.

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一个闭目塞听、画地为牢的公社,其可掘之源是极其有限的。A blind and deaf commune out of touch with society only has extremely limited resource.

我听得警笛长鸣,所知也就仅限于此了——18英寸画地为牢的又一明证。I heard the siren scream, but that was all there was to that—an eighteen-inch margin again.

你的生命被你的态度所包围,作茧自缚,画地为牢,你将过得很悲惨。Your whole life is affected by your attitude, which means you , and you will live a miserable life.

要提高你的标准,首先要看看你的局限性,问问自己,你是什么时候习惯了这样画地为牢的。To raise your standards, take a look at your limitations and ask when you decided to accept those limitations.

我装满一腔爱恋、一腔痴迷、一腔赤诚,心甘情愿为你画地为牢,做一个沦落之囚。I love to fill a cavity, a cavity with a cavity, sincerity, be most willing to here for you, a reduced prison of.

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关于流派划分的问题,我觉得有很多令人困惑之处,还有,老实说,对于作者来说有些画地为牢的感觉。There's much about this genrefication that I find confusing --- and, frankly, a little self-defeating for writers.

若是世间一切都在轮回,那么我究竟是被锁在了哪一段苍白的时间段落里画地为牢,无法逃离无处躲藏。If all the world in the samsara, then I was locked in a pale which time paragraph mark, unable to escape with no place to hide.

但是庄子这一深邃的终极思路,由于他在处理人与物关系上的自然思维局限,使得他在自己的地平线上画地为牢。But Zhuangzi's idea didn't come into true because of his limitation of natural thinking in tackling with the relationship between human and nature.