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具有黄色木质的裸子植物树木的任何一种。Any of various gymnospermous trees having yellow wood.

裸子植物次生木质部的进化趋势。Evolutionary trends in secondary xylem of gymnosperms.

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陆生的裸子植物发展到极盛期。Gymnosperms to the development of terrestrial Jisheng period.

裸子植物的生殖细胞可形成体细胞和柄细胞。In gymnosperms it gives rise to the body cell and stalk cell.

记忆它们的是被子植物和裸子植物等胚种。What recorded them were embryos of angiosperm and gymnosperm.

其中真菌和蕨类各1种、裸子植物5种、被子植物153种。They include one fungus, one fern, 5 gymnosperms and 153 angiosperms.

中国裸子植物木材具缘纹孔构造类型的研究。Studies on the structural types of bordered pits of gymnospermous woods in China.

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在裸子植物中,进入颈卵器的两个精子只有一个与卵融合。In gymnosperms , the egg into the neck with only one of the two sperm and egg fusion.

与被子植物相比,裸子植物花粉具有萌发时间长、花粉管生长缓慢等特点。As compared with angiosperm, pollen grains of gymnosperms germinate and growth slowly.

晚三叠世时,裸子植物真正成了大陆植物的主要统治者。Late Triassic, gymnosperms , the mainland has become the real rulers of the main plant.

在数据库的统计数据基础上,我们分析了裸子植物的染色体特征。By data collection of the database, we analyzed chromosome features of the group Gymnosperm.

除了买麻藤属和百岁兰属以外大多数裸子植物还保留有颈卵器。Most gymnosperms retain archegonia except for the most advanced genera Gnetum and Welwitschia.

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裸子植物的胚胎学特征及其与分类、系统发育的关系。An outline of embryological characters of gymnosperms in relation to systematics and phylogeny.

南川金佛山裸子植物的垂直分布和生态特点探索。Gymnosperma vertical distribution and ecological features of Jinfoshan, Nanchuan, Sichuan Province.

裸子植物中的大多数仍保留颈卵器的结构,卵在颈卵器内形成。Gymnosperms , the majority still retain the structure neck eggs, eggs in egg-neck in the formation.

裸子植物的胚胎学特征及其与分类、系统发育的关系。Title An outline of embryological characters of gymnosperms in relation to systematics and phylogeny.

同时论文还将广东裸子植物种的分布区类型划分为20个亚型。Meanwhile the species areal -types of guangdong gymnospermae were divided into20subtypes in this paper.

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被子植物以外的种子植物统称裸子植物,以种子裸露为特征。Gymnosperm A general term for any seed plant except the angiosperms , characterized by bearing naked seeds.

大约在1亿8千万年前的三叠纪,云南已是露出海面的陆地,许多裸子植物在这里滋长和蔓延。During the Trias period about 180 million years ago, Yunnan was a land above sea level where many gymnosperms grew.

课程内容包括植物分类原理、重要裸子植物、双子叶植物和单子叶植物之鑑定方法。Course contents include the principles of taxonomy, selected families of angiosperms, dicotyledons and monocotyledons.