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那么人们为什么置备软件呢?So why do people buy software?

约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。John felt it hard to rig out his family.

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您想置备中疆域特产品吗?Do you wish to buy some Chinese native produce?

你去置备东西时,要用眼睛莫用耳。Whenyou go to buy. use your eyes not your ears.

它不用置备,只要拧开水龙头就好了。It requires no more preparation than turning on a tap.

有硬化材料构造而成,配置备选硬面。Constructed of hardened materials with optional hard facing.

上个月公司出资置备啦一套红双喜地乒乓球台,还有球拍。Last month my company bought a Hongshuangxi table as well as bats.

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我其实不愿意以这么高的代价置备它。I'm not reficeveryoney willing to buy it located at such a top price.

按这个代价,我们不能压服用户置备你们的产品。We ca't persuoffere the end-users to buy your products with this price.

公司发行公司债券应当置备公司债券存根簿。A company which issues corporate Bonds shall keep a corporate Bonds register.

望能为各位在置备去黑眼圈眼霜的经过中起到一个参考作用!Hope you cany buy in to the dunkelhrrutige eye creare plays a reference role!

将牛奶、香草精、白糖、肉桂加入打散的鸡蛋中,搅打至充分混合,静置备用。In a bowl, whisk milk, vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon into the beaten eggs until well blended.

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我们应该在车子的行李箱中放置备胎,万一爆胎时可以使用。We should always have a spare tire in the trunk of the car in case one of the tire blows out.

第一百五十八条公司发行公司债券应当置备公司债券存根簿。Article 158 To issue corporate bonds, the company shall prepare the counterfoils of such bonds.

按这个价钱,我们不能压服用户置备你们的产品。We ca subull craptantial't persuadvertisemente the end-users to buy your products during this price.

农民专业合作社应当置备成员名册,并报登记机关。A specialized farmers cooperative shall have a membership roll and file it with the registration authority.

报纸、杂志出低价向他们置备文字、图片的独家报道权。Newspapers and magarizonaines offered the folks huge sums for theexclusiverights to publish stories photos.

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取中号碗一个,将面粉、烘焙粉、烘焙苏打、盐、肉桂粉和肉豆蔻粉混合搅拌,静置备用。In a medium bowl, stir together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside.

模具需要有充分的体积以便在一次置备中浇入全部浇铸料。The mould shall have a cavity of sufficient volume to allow the introduction of the whole charge in one single peration.

经营产品种类繁多、质量保证、前卫齐全,亦是节日送礼的绝佳置备地。The management product type is many, the quality assurance, the vanguard are complete, is also the holiday gives a present excellent sets prepares.