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都就位了,往后退Are we all set? Back up.

他生气地把头往后一仰。He tossed his head angrily.

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“我不能老是往后延”。I can't keep postponing it.

从今往后,我成了无业游民。From now on, I became a hobo.

从今往后,比翼齐飞。Henceforward, fly wing to wing.

往后退!屋顶要塌下来了。Keep back! The roof is falling!

我们再往后听一点Let's listen a little bit more.

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一旦他在位置了,往后靠。Once he’s in position, lean back.

茜比尔·范把头往后一仰,大笑起来。Vane tossed her head and laughed.

那马听到巨大的响声时惊得往后倒退。The horse shied at the loud noise.

亲爱的,往后的路,我们一起走不分手。Dear. later road. We walk together.

从今往后,我要爱所有的人。Henceforth will I love all mankind.

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我的退休可以再往后推推了。My retirement can wait a while yet.

昆汀·马泰尔往后跳了一尺。Quentyn Martell jumped back a foot.

这一关是为往后的关卡暖身。This is a warmup for a later level.

那匹马看到汽车惊得往后倒退。He backed the car out of the garage.

往后,唯有学着自安,泰然。Later, only to learn from Ann, calm.

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最后期限往后延了一个月。The deadline was extended one month.

卡勒布身子往后一仰,面带满足的笑颜。Caleb sat back with a satisfied grin.

我们的约会可以往后延些时间吗?Could you change the schedule for me?