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得失相当。The gains balance the losses.

我们权衡了利弊得失。We weighed up the pros and cons.

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别老是考虑个人的得失。Don't always think of number one.

不要把你自己祷告得失了信心。Do not pray yourself out of faith.

用这种方法来衡量得失?To measure loss and gain in this wise?

NCDC用得失整个20世纪的气候数据。and NCDC uses the entire 20th century.

我认为,每个人的一生都充满着得失成败。I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life.

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我心里正在权衡利害得失。I was still balancing the matter in my mind.

我没有从她那一方的得失来考虑过。I had not been thinking about her side of it.

你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。You must weigh the benefits against the cost.

他总是计较个人得失。He is always worrying about his personal gains.

在做决定之前,我必需权衡利弊得失。I commor to weigh the pros or cons ago a decision.

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他们好不容易才做到得失相当。We had to reckon up the gains as well as the losses.

岂知得失皆两空,一切终将随风逝。Nothing lost and nothing gained, everything will flow.

做老闆,得失心要少一些,把诚心、信誉放在心上。As a boss, reduce the mind of gain and loss. Always keep.

记住,你的功过得失,历史和后人自会评判。Remember that history, and your children, will judge you.

每月得失相抵仍有许多赚头。Gains and losses average out to a large profit each month.

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我们制造了自己的荆棘,却从不停下来权衡得失。We create our own thorn, and never stop to count the cost.

在做决定之前,我必需权衡利弊得失。I command to weigh the pros and cons ago making a decision.

在做决定之前,偶必须权衡利弊得失。I need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.