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这肮脏的黑暗。Befouled the dark.

这是一笔肮脏的交易。It's a dirty deal.

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这个洗脸盆是肮脏的!This washbowl is foul!

两条狗看起来很肮脏。Both dogs looked grimy.

罗西基是肮脏,太。Rosicky was dirty, too.

一个肮脏的海盗!But a greasy freebooter !

让我一个肮脏的老妪!Make me a dirty old woman!

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非常肮脏的交易。Very dirty business indeed.

你这个肮脏的泥巴种!You filthy little mudblood!

今天他正坐在肮脏的咖啡馆里。Today he is in a sordid café.

他厌恶这笔肮脏的交易。He was sick of the sordid deal.

我厌恶一切肮脏的东西。I disrelish filthy of any kind.

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是我太肮脏了?还是我太过轻浮?Am I too dirty?Am I too flirty ?

心灵已经变得非常肮脏。Her soul was horribly besmirched.

那肮脏的食物使我倒胃。The dirty food turned my stomach.

它的外表很肮脏和长满跳蚤。Its coat was dirty and flea-bitten.

孩子们仍在肮脏的环境中生活。The children still live in squalor.

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汽车排出来的烟使空气变得肮脏。Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.

英语将肮脏这一词汇妖魔化了。The English language demonises dirt.

这里的要更象是”匍匐前进的肮脏东西“。This is more like the Creeping Crud.