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请注意所有这些知识都不在租借地点这个对象中。Notice that all of this knowledge is not in the RentalLocation object.

英租威海卫的性质并非“租借地”而是“割据地”。The nature of the Territory was not a lease territory, but a concession.

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胶海关是近代中国第一个租借地海关。The Jiao Customs is the first concession customs in modern Chinese history.

上海共同租借地就是这两个国家共同合作下的代表作。The International Settlement of Shanghai was the result of joint efforts by representatives of the two nations.

在上海前法国租借地的一个大型市场,周五下午活禽交易很安静。At a large market in the city's former French Concession area, the live poultry business was quiet on Friday afternoon.

在研究大连和关东租借地的历史时,使用“契约形式的帝国主义”的概念是有价值的。The concept of "contractual formal imperialism" proves useful when examining the history of Dalian and the Guangdong leasehold.

他们强占租借地,划分势力范围,企图瓜分中国,变中国为殖民地。They forcibly occupied leased territory, divided into spheres of influence, an attempt to carve up China, China as a colony changed.

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为了不致于混淆,我们一致统一使用单词租借地点来表示业务地点,也就是发生租借和归还的地方。To resolve the ambiguity, we agreed to use the term rental location for the business location where rentals and returns are conducted.

由于它设立在德国的租借地之中,它所受到的帝国主义国家的控制较其它中国海关更为严重。Because it was established in German concession, the imperialistic country's control here was much stricter than any other Chinese customs.

近现代时期的大连地区曾先后沦为沙俄和日本的租借地,被帝国主义殖民统治长达半个世纪。In modern time, Dalian has become the leased-territory of Russia and Japan successively, and has been rule by the Imperialism for half a century.

作为中国近代史上的一座租借地城市,合理的城市规划使青岛从一爿自然小渔村发展成为一座近代城市。As a city of leased territory in China modern history, the reasonable urban planning causes Qingdao to develop into a modern city from a natural fishing village.

在中国近代,外国毒品商在华肆无忌惮地走私鸦片,他们不仅公开贩卖鸦片、毒品,甚至还在租界或租借地内就地制造毒品。The foreign drug sellers smuggled opium unbridledly in modern China. Not only did they sell drugs in public, but also processed them in concessions or leased territories.