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血从他的嘴角流了出来。Blood streams out of his mouth.

向嘴角伸长你的舌头顶住压舌器。pressing against a tongue depressor.

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她咧开弓形的嘴笑着,嘴角往上翘。Her bow mouth turned upward in a grin.

他嘴角泛出了一丝微笑。A smile touched the corners of his lips.

嘴角凌厉的表情不见了,眼里泛着泪光。Her eyes bled the viscous color of tears.

那抹险些就要消失的微笑重新浮现在弯弯的嘴角上。The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared.

老沙头嘴角挂出一丝苦涩的笑纹,摇了摇头。The old man shook his head with a wry smile.

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我看到了他的眼神中的渴盼,嘴角也微微在动。I saw the corners of his eyes and mouth fall.

安静地阅读一本书,嘴角带着静如止水的笑。Quietly reading a book, be with static smile.

这婴儿嘴角边淌口水。The baby drooled at the corners of his mouth.

你嘴角的笑意死气沉沉The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing

她嘴角下撇,表示不同意。Her down-turned lips indicated her disagreement.

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果然,他的嘴角还留有奶渍。It was true. He did have dabs of milk on his mouth.

请把你的嘴角下扬,上抬。Raise the corners of your lips back and up, please.

只看见婆婆那幸福的微笑洋溢在嘴角。Veronica saw only a happy smile that filled the mouth.

嘴角悄然地掠过一丝笑,淡淡地、凉凉地。Mouth and quietly flew slightest smile, faintly and cool.

罗恩在影片中嘴角的白沫其实是用蛋白做出来的。The foam in Ron's mouth in one scene is made of egg white.

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梦中,你的身影,依然清晰,我的嘴角牵起一丝微笑。Dream, you figure, still clear, my mouth cape took a smile.

尽管他满头大汗,但他的嘴角挂着欢快的微笑。Heavily sweating as he is, a happy smile hangs on his lips.

把嘴唇并在一起,嘴角成一条直线,向下。Press your lips together with the corners straight or down.