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这将是一支很棒的座谈小组!It should be a great panel!

可容纳25人开会或座谈、研讨。Can accommodate 25 people meeting or forum to discuss.

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演讲前,会和奥巴马座谈数小时,他想要表达的内容。The writers chat with Obama for hours about what he wants to say.

邓也频繁地邀请美籍华人科学家座谈。Deng also frequently invited Chinese-American scientists for talks.

座谈小组里的其他成员也同样被这个问题困扰着。The other members of the panel had been equally haunted by the question.

此谓信,乃诚信之信。这也是我从座谈之中得到的最大体会。The main experience I got from the symposia was the importance of sincerity.

中外几位比较文学与口传文学研究者就此进行了座谈。Some scholars who study comparative literature and folk tales held a seminar about it.

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梅克保在座谈中介绍了湖南经济社会发展的基本情况。Mr. Mei made a brief introduction on economic and social development of Hunan Province.

访问期间,舒特与农业等领域专家座谈,并赴山东走访。During the visit, Schutter talked to agricultural experts and visited Shandong Province.

我请夏医生能否叫几个艾滋病妇女进来座谈一下,他答应了。Dr. Xia Can I please ask some women come in an informal discussion about AIDS, he agreed.

温家宝还和土耳其文化界、工商界知名人士举行了座谈。Wen also had talks with representatives from the Turkish cultural and business communities.

座谈后,余明华总经理陪同客人参观了生产车间。After the meeting, Mr. Yu accompanied the journalists in visiting the production facilities.

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日前,江干区电梯安全座谈会议在四季青街道召开。This symposium is led by district quality supervision bureau and held by Sijiqing Street running.

院士办、工程中心、安全开采总院有关负责人参加座谈。Academy Office, Engineering Center, General Hospital mining safety responsible person at the forum.

对此,温家宝总理在位时和同国务院参事在座谈中强烈提出看法。In response, premier wen jiabao and the state council counselor in strong opinions in the discussion.

方法快速调查、现场座谈和统计分析。Methods The methods of fleetness investigation, informal discussion and statistical analyses were used.

方法采用文献综述、座谈调查、德尔斐法进行指标的咨询和论证。Methods We used the method of literature review, table-account survey, and Delphi method to testify the indexes.

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座谈中表达的看法不一定反映美国政府的观点或政策。The opinions expressed in this discussion do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. government.

先请您参观校园、校办工厂,然后和教师代表座谈,12点我们一起吃便饭。First we show you our school campus and school factory. Then you meet our teachers for a chat. We have lunch at 12.

旨在与不同人群的座谈讨论中,发现普遍的、共同的特征。We try to find out the universal and common characteristics from the Focus Group Discussion among dif-ferentpeople.