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不要施加压力,不要受制于人。Don’t give into pressure.

如果你不主动管理自己的一生,那么你将受制于人。If you don't run your own life, somebody else will.

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只要你有梦想,你永远不会受制于人。Whenever you have a hope, you're never really anybody's prisoner!

我现在用的推客中国的,感觉有点受制于人。I am using the push-off in China, I feel a little controlled by others.

解决受制于人的问题,就是解决技术问题。To solve the problem of heteronomy, is to solve the technical problems.

所以我要你学习,我要你活的不必受制于人,我要你拥有自己的生活。That's why I want you to learn to read. I want you to have your own life.

他们宁愿自律,而不愿受制于人。They prefer to discipline themselves rather than be disciplined by others.

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他们喜欢自律而不喜欢受制于人。They prefer to discipline themselves rather than to be disciplined by others.

没有权势就要受制于人,就可能被轻视,无论办什么事儿都是难于上青天。No power will be enslaved, may be contempt, whether do anything is reach for the stars.

医疗工作者和其他人一样受制于人性的弱点。Health care workers are subject to the same human foibles as the rest of the population.

美国本意是借伊拉克战争在国际上扬威,到头来却暴露出自己处处受制于人。Intended to demonstrate the awesomeness of America's hard power, the Iraq war exposed its limitations.

如果他们有足够的资源来安排自己的生活也就不会受制于人了。The could manage their lives if they had the resources to do it and were not being taken advantage of.

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我不愿意受制于人,也不想从公司的最底层开始往上爬。I hate being controlled by others, and I don't want to start at the bottom of a steep corporate ladder.

因为对大公司,甚至是更大的集团而言,最终都会面临来自初创业者的激烈竞争,乃至被或排挤出局、或受制于人。eventually face stiff competition from newcomers, who either oust them, or at least keep them in check.

就因为我脆弱,就因为我没有顽强的生命力,时时受制于人。Because I am frail, because I do not have the tenacious vitality , is under the control of others at times.

很明显他受制于人——最有可能受制于军事、犹太利益集团和权贵资本集团。He's clearly being controlled — most likely by the military, Jewish interests, and crony capitalist corporations.

人们可以掌握自己的命运,如果我们受制于人,那错不在命运,而在我们自己。People can control their own destiny, if we be controlled by others, that mistake was not destiny, but in our own.

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如不发展我国的光纤产业,今后我国每年要花数十亿美元去买国外的光纤,而且受制于人。If we don't develop our fiber industry we will spend billions dollars to import fiber, and be controlled byforeigners.

这些神灵拥有着比我们人类更加强大的力量,但是似乎被人类作用神奇地驱使着,并受制于人类的弱点。These gods had greater powers than we humans but seemed curiously driven by human motivations and subject to human failings.

虽然这样的宣称在一开始听起来荒诞可笑---谁会有可能去争论专政会受制于人民的意愿?Although the claim at first sounds preposterous — who could possibly argue that a dictatorship is subject to the will of the people?