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采用特种工艺现场施工而成,常用色彩为黄色底层,绿色面层。The construction process and site construction, color yellow green bottom layer, surface layer.

1977年,创建衡水地区特种工艺厂,招收第三批弟子。In 1977, establishing Hengshui Regional Special Arts &Crafts Factory, and recruiting the third group of pupils.

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文艺、体育和特种工艺单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。Whenever an unit in culture and arts, sports and special arts and crafts needs to employ young persons under the age of sixteen.

所以我就从书籍的装帧形式与特种工艺两个方面来叙述如何成就美的书籍。So I from book binding forms and special technology to describe how the two aspects of the achievements the United States and books.

特种工艺一次成型,整体包括法兰口无接缝、不渗漏、强度高、外观美。Forming a special process, the overall population, including non-flanged joints impermeable, high strength, the appearance of the United States.

全书经特种工艺处理,具有防腐、防蛀、防紫外线等特性,便于永久珍藏。Through special processing, the book has antiseptic, moth-proofing, ultraviolet radiation characteristics, facilitate the permanent collections.

生产原料主要来源于日本进口的天然针叶树精制专用木浆,生产技术采用日本东洋纺专有特种工艺纺丝技术。It's raw material mostly come from the refined virgin wood pulp of natural conifer, and it's production technologies adopt the knowhow of Toyobo of Japan.

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本文介绍了工艺线特种工艺气体系统改造设计方面的一些原则,并详细论述了管路的施工规程。Some design principles for rebuilding the special gases system of a wafer fab are described. Engineering regulations for rebuilding the tubing system are discussed in detail.

公司的主要产品有白毫银针、白牡丹、新工艺白茶、翠芽、太姥香茶等白茶、绿茶系列80余品目,同时还生产有红茶、花茶、乌龙茶、特种工艺茶、苦丁茶等产品。The main products include more than 80 kinds of white and green tea series, such as silver-needle pekoe, white peony, new-technique white tea, dongnan sprout, dongnan fragrance.

本文主要介绍了用传统纺纱设备纺制彩色结子纱的特种工艺原理,并具体论述了制作的关键点。This paper introduces the principle for the special technology in spinning the colouredknotted yarn on the traditional spinning machines and elaborates in detail the key steps in the production.