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他是一个神枪手。He is a good shot.

西部最快的神枪手。Fastest knobs in the west.

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警察中的神枪手开了火。Police marksmen opened fire.

我愿成为一名神枪手。I'd love to be a sharpshooter.

我凭著声音瞄准,我是神枪手。I aim by sound and i am an expert shot.

他似神枪手你的精度瞄准。He aimed with accuracy of a sharpshooter.

我不知道你的父亲还是位神枪手。I didn't know your father was a sharpshooter.

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他过去是全县赫赫有名的神枪手。He was the deadest shot in the county one time.

让我们不要成为俄克拉荷马州的神枪手。Let's not fall victim to the Oklahoma sharpshooter.

我们现在来讲。俄克拉何马神枪手谬误。We'll talk about the Oklahoma sharpshooter fallacy.

还有炮手,那些百发百中的神枪手。And artillery-men, the deadliest that ever fired gun.

作为靠捕猎获取食物的人,他们是天生的神枪手。As men who shot game for food, they were natural marksmen.

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安德烈向他手下的神枪手发指令,释放杰克。Andre gives the signal to his sharpshooters to release Jack.

英军侦查小组神枪手射击的距离由35米减少为30米。British Deploy Marksman ability range reduced from 35 to 30.

虽然他是个神枪手,他却不带枪。He does not carry his own gun, though he shoots like an ace.

然后,一名神枪手用麻醉飞镖射击大猫。A marksman then shoots the cat with a dart full of anesthetic.

一个百发百中的神枪手,英格兰没有比他更勇敢的骑手。A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England.

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例如,演奏管弦乐时,我就是一名神枪手。Playing orchestral music, for example, I become a sharpshooter.

他们说他们的祖宗是个有名的猎人,也是个神枪手。They said their ancestor was a famous hunter and a crack hunter.

他们的直升机上配有神枪手,时刻注意着是否有北极熊出没。They got sharpshooters in helicopters on the lookout for polar bears.