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但后来我过于紧张了。But then I tensed up.

当然,我或许过于偏颇。Of course, I'm biased.

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过于庞大的工程?。A mega-project too far?

从而显得过于武断。They're overdetermined.

对这一点也不要过于走极端。Do not take this too far.

过于为我“骄傲”而说不出话。Too proud of me to speak!

不要太过于依赖你的奖金。Don't live off your bonus.

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它是一本过于浅易的书。This is a rather easy book.

女性是否过于热衷于分享?Do women tend to over-share?

他对于冷过于敏感。He is oversensitive to cold.

这可能是过于乐观的估计。This may be over-optimistic.

过于油腻的食物很快令人生厌。Too rich food soon disgusts.

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它有一大堆的铆钉过于。It has a bunch of rivets too.

尤兰也觉得自己太过于羞涩了。Youlan also felt too shy the.

你的过于装作的滑稽!And thy too-forced pleasantry!

二者都过于简单化。Both are over-simplifications.

我们错在过于仁慈。We erred on the side of mercy.

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对于动机太过于长了It's way too long for a motive.

但也不要表现的过于自信。Don't act too confident, though.

这太过于反直觉了。It seems very counter-intuitive.