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杂志今天更是语焉不详。Zines today are even more elaborate.

像往常一样,该文件对中国所持有的武器语焉不详。As usual it gives few details of China’s own weapons.

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在第一阶段的选举中,两位候选人均对各自的施政细节语焉不详。Neither provided voters much detail in the first phase of campaigning.

被动语态,以及伴随而至的语焉不详,结果是非常有用的。Passive voice, and its attendant obscurity, turn out to be very useful.

而当你睡眠时而语焉不详时,你也并不恶。Yet you are not evil when you sleep while your tongue staggers without purpose.

看过好多中国人写冼星海生平的书,有关新加坡的部分同样是语焉不详。Similarly, books penned by Chinese on the life of Xian that I have come across are vague on this.

对于媒体如何呈现广西形象这一问题,业界的研究尚显语焉不详。The academic circles have not yet studied the problem how the mass media present GuangXi's image.

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有一种语焉不详的作者在思维上毫无困难,也就未能好好学习如何写作。People often writer obscurely because they have never take the trouble to learn to writer clearly.

社的更新说明一如既往的语焉不详,0.39.0的更新说明是这么说的。Niantic patch notes have always been terribly uninformative. Here's what the 0.39.0 patch note said.

这样富有想像力的能源就是无数符号象徵的起源,却被忽略为某些语焉不详的形式上的泛灵论。Such imaginative energies are at the origin of numerous symbols poorly explained as some vague formalist animism.

的确,乐师们要遵循一系列的乐谱,这些谱子又叙述了某个语焉不详的故事,或者至少是某次心灵情感的旅行。Sure, the musicians follow a set score, which in turn follows a vague narrative, or at least an emotional journey.

就好比我,从来就对香港97年以后的宣传口号“亚洲国际都会”不感冒,认为它语焉不详,含糊不清。I, for one, have never been much of a fan of Hong Kong's post-1997 slogan "Asia's World City." It's vague and unclear.

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而孙悦现在的病情却遮遮掩掩,语焉不详,其中或许另有隐情。But the Sun Yue present's condition actually covers up, insufficiently detailed, perhaps in addition has the secret facts.

多数资料未加整理,有关论文往往语焉不详,研究民国王学的专著迄今尚付阙如。Most of the materials have not been sorted out, which prevents the research, and the relevant articles are often ambiguous.

很多学者与研究人员多年来,一直思考一九七二年上海公报的这些模糊且语焉不详的词句。Myriad scholars and researchers have pondered the true meaning of these convoluted phrases in the Shanghai Communique of 1972.

这会带来一个“语焉不详”的视觉后果,同时折射出现实主义的艺术向超现实主义、后现代主义跨越的历史路径。That will bring an indeterminate visual result, meanwhile, imprint the historical path span from realism arts to super-realism and post-modernism.

对于宋末元初江西词人群体,过去只是笼统的将其划归为南宋辛派词的后劲,并且对其群体特征往往语焉不详。In the past, the Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community was simply classified into the successor of Xin Qiji ci-poetry school, and its characteristics are ignored.

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尽管对货币政策和汇率之间的真实关系仍旧语焉不详,世界银行起码提到了货币政策。While the comment is still vague in terms of giving the real link between monetary policy and the exchange rate, it at least notes the monetary-policy issue.

语焉不详的说辞正好反映出中国与日本两国关系的敏感性,后者曾在占领中国时给中国带来了伤痛。The diplomatically vague language reflects the depth of Chinese sensitivity over relations with Japan, given the brutality of Japan's wartime occupation of China.

不过关于该交易的融资仍是个问题,而通用汽车欧洲部门的声明对于交易的条款亦语焉不详,只是称交易是一项"股份购买协议".But questions remain regarding the financing of the deal and a statement from GM Europe was vague about the terms beyond calling the deal a "stock purchase agreement."