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茶树精油、洋甘菊萃取、银杏。Tea Tree Oil, Chamomile Extract, Gingko Biloba.

茶树在这片肥沃的山地上长得很好。Tea grows well in these fertile mountain fields.

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它是由荫栽茶树的叶子制成的。It is made from the leaves of shade grown tea trees.

山坡上植了茶树。The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes.

茶树是从中国移种到印度和斯里兰卡的。Tea was transplanted from China to India and Sri Lanka.

感冒时,建议使用精油,薰衣草、茶树或罗文莎华叶。It is suggested to use Lavender, Tea Trea or Ravensare oils.

薰衣草、天竺葵、茶树、荷荷芭、甜杏仁油等。Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Jojoba, Sweet Almond and so on.

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茶树核型的分类学意义初探。A primary study on taxonomical significance of tea karyotypes.

茶树和牛至,因其抗菌功能而著名。Tea tree and oregano are known for their antimicrobial nature.

至今,古茶树林依然葱郁茂密,生机昂然。Up to the present, the ancient tea plants are still luxuriance.

这是因为当时茶叶经常由野生茶树制成。That's because the tea then was often made from wild tea leaves.

茶树也还长有坚硬的茎刺以避免野兽的伤害。Tea also has hard, fibrous stalks to discourage animal incursion.

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您订购的南瓜子油和茶树洗发精已经到货了。The pumpkin seed oil and tea tree shampoo you ordered have arrived.

论文进一步研究茶树紫色芽叶内含成分的特征。Then, the characteristic components of purple tealeaf were studied.

在烧伤或烫伤后,直接滴茶树精油在创口部位。For bums or scalds, drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area.

香港脚患者,可浸泡茶树花水与霉菌对抗。Athlete's foot patient can soak in the tea tree to confront the wound.

在烧伤或烫伤后,直接滴茶树精油在创口部位。For burns or scalds , drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area.

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在生长季节茶树每7-10天能长出新的叶子。The plant sprouts new growth every 7-10 days during the growing season.

视野所及的地方是满山遍野的锡兰茶树。The plantations of Ceylon tea occupy vast spaces as far as the eye beholds.

后面接下来的三年,他一直在试验高山茶树的种植。For the next three years he experimented with high-elevation tea tree farming.