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全新越野面包车搬家出租暗访40元起!New off-road minibuses 40 yuan up!

这次暗访一定要把社会的阴暗面全部暴光。The secret enquiry this time is aimed at completely exposing the underside of society.

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记者随后对部分场所暗访发现,市民举报大多属实。Reporters then unannounced visits to some sites found that most of the public to report true.

但是,学界对新闻暗访多不认同,甚至有人提出坚决予以取消。However, the majority of the academic world disapprove and even suggest getting rid of this practice.

对于某些弊端,明察是无法发现的,所以只能暗访了。Some malpractices, and evils can not be found by clear observation, so we had to investigate privately.

从暗访录像中,他们果然也看到一个疑似九尾狐的身影出现。From dark in visiting kinescope, the figure that they also see a doubt is like 9 end fox as expected appears.

内政部视察员曾暗访多家已取得许可证的实验室,以核查实验室动物福利水准。Home office inspectors make unannounced visits to licensed laboratories to check standards of animal welfare.

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极端的限制需要有极端的应对措施,于是,曼斯基使用了新闻暗访的技术手段。Extreme limitations called for extreme measures, so Mr. Mansky employed the techniques of undercover journalism.

昨天,记者以普通购房人的名义暗访了北京几个新楼盘。Yesterday, a reporter for the purchase of ordinary people in the name of a town several new projects in Beijing.

昨日,记者前往集宁区对几家游戏厅进行了暗访。Yesterday, the reporters went to the Jining district conducted by the Office of unannounced visits to several games.

警方表示,本次暗访被曝光的3名黑医中的一名已经受到警方的审问但他对指控矢口否认,而警方目前还没有对相关人士采取逮捕行动。Police said one of the three doctors had been questioned and denied the allegations, but that no arrests had been made.

近年来,因暗访而成为“侵权行为”者的新闻单位和记者接连不断。Recently there are more and more news offices and reporters accused of infringing rights because of secret news inquiries.

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方正科技呼叫中心在电话调查、暗访中受到好评。From lots of telephone market researches and interviews, we know that Founder Technology Call Centre has got great reputations.

深夜的暗访是你绵长的牵挂还是你也辗转难眠忆着我含蓄的笑颜。Unannounced visits to late night or you worried about lingering in the memories you have sleepless nights with my subtle smile.

这位工作人员的回答显然与记者在暗访中接触到的黄金公司的承诺有所出入。The answer is obviously the staff and journalists, make unannounced visits exposure to gold in the company's commitment to have access.

通过前期的蹲点、调查和暗访工作,民警掌握了部分电子游戏厅利的具体情况。By the early months of the investigation and unannounced visits to work, police mastered some electronic game rooms benefit specific circumstances.

记者以买家身份对该公司进行暗访时发现,该公司销售的彩票纸多做制造非法彩票之用。Correspondents to carry out unannounced visits to the company as buyers found that the company manufactured more paper tickets sold illegal lottery purposes.

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据记者暗访,在南宁市民族大道某小树林,每天晚上都会有几十个“渔民”在此狩猎。" According to a press, make unannounced visits, in Nanning City Avenue, a small national forests, every night there will be dozens of "fishermen" in the hunt.

还有些暗访活动向人们展示中国皮毛产业工人将狐狸打晕、用棍棒击打浣熊头部、在地上猛摔浣熊的场面。A prior investigation of fur farms in China showed workers attempting to stun foxes and raccoon dogs by slamming them against the ground or bashing their heads with clubs.

整整一周多的时间里,伊斯兰堡始终把Dhara地区作为他们承诺致力于解决难民问题的见证,然而我们对该地区的一次暗访表明他们的承诺是多么的没有诚意。For more than a week Islamabad has been holding Dhara up as proof of its commitment to the refugee problem, but a sneaked visit to the site showed the weakness of that commitment.