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要想痊愈就听其自然吧。Leave the cure to Mother Nature.

我侍建议是听其自然。My advice is to leave well alone.

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我们比绝大多数的园艺师更懂得听其自然。We have let it alone more than most gardeners can.

假如我是你,就听其自然。If I were you, I should let things take their course.

他沮丧之极,无法重新在墓上干活了,于是听其自然,默默走出了墓地。He was too depressed to start work on the grave again.

大凡事物,听其自然就会每况愈下。Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

听其自然的话,就连高山也会慢慢消逝,甚至原子核也会衰竭。Even mountains wear down, even the nuclei of atoms decay.

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所以,就像她的家人所说的,干吗不听其自然呢?Therefore, as the family say, why not let well enough alone?

有些人生活中有一定的目标,有些则听其自然。Some people have aims in their lives, some are just drifting along.

但是如果客户仍不愿就此让步,那么也许你只能听其自然了。But if the client still won’t budge, then maybe you should just let it slide.

她听其自然,允许自己越来越多地想罗伯特。金凯。She drifted along, allowing herself to think more and more about Robert Kincaid.

目前这个制度执行情况令人满足,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone.

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如果你拿不准是否要使事情得到改善的话,一般说来最好是听其自然。If you're in doubt about whether to try to improve matters, it's usually best to leave〔let〕 well alone.

如果人们听其自然发展,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有很大变化。The number of deer, mountain lions, and wild roses does not change much if people leave things they are.

一般讲,法律是导致文明的力量,如果没有这种力量,让人性听其自然,人就会成为最野蛮的动物。Mankind must have laws and conform to them or their life would be as bad as that of the most savage beast.

如果人们听其自然发展,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有很大变化。The number of deer, mountain lions, and wild roses does not change much if people leave things as they are.

不知道中国会如何应对这次恐怖活动呢,会忽视并听其自然吗?Will be real interesting to see how China deals with this act of Terrorism are will they ignore it and let it slide !

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通常,孩子都是慢慢地收集有趣的东西,听其自然地创造连接,创建根基。More often kids will slowly gather interesting tidbits, making connections as things occur to them to create a foundation.

听其自然,为其自我,还意味着采取一种更为整体性的、全面性的态度,少来一些有意的肢解。Its course, its self, also means to take a more holistic, comprehensive approach and less intention to some of the dismembered.

她那厚厚的长发在她初病时曾剪去一点,现在她简单地梳梳,听其自然地披在她的鬓角和颈子上。Her thick, long hair had been partly removed at the beginning of her illness, and now she wore it simply combed in its natural tresses over her temples and neck.