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浅薄无聊和朴素知足的真正价值。of simplicity and contentment.

但是他的分析太浅薄了。But his analysis is too shallow.

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浅薄者才懂他们自己。Only the shallow know themselves.

我们正在变得,用一个词就是,浅薄。We're becoming, in a word, shallower.

幸福的含义怎能那么浅薄?Meanings of happiness won’t so flimsy.

浅薄地表达深厚感情。To express deep feelings superficially.

主不会把力量赐予浅薄无知的人!Jah will never give the power to a baldhead!

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耕层浅薄,障碍因素较多。Plough layer is thin with much hindering elements.

并非意味着它是卑俗和浅薄的。Popular poems are not necessarily vulgar and shallow.

暴发户摆阔的生活方式显示出他的浅薄。The bounder's ostentatious life showed his inanition.

他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无能。He was going to expose their triviality once and for all.

他们浅薄娴熟,但是非常具有讽刺性和批判性,非常的棒!They are kitschy but very ironic and critical. I like it.

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所有这些的,渺小,浅薄,空洞。The pettiness, the shallowness, the emptiness of all this.

她是世上最虚伪,最吝啬,最浅薄的女人。She is the falsest, meanest and shallowest woman in the world.

人和人之间的情感真的这么浅薄么?Is the affection between person and person so dilettante really?

类似的浅薄差不多可以在所有行业发现。The same superficiality is found in nearly all kinds of business.

有了因特网,我们的注意力只会水平式的延伸,同时也是浅薄地延伸。With the Internet, our focus extends horizontally, and shallowly.

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浅薄,不能理解呼呼哱是什么意思。He has very limited knowledge. He can't understand what hoopoo means.

一个无所事事的年白叟整天在浅薄的高兴和恋爱中探求快乐。An idle young man finds fun in seeking casual joy and love all day long.

过去一度认为是浅薄,无聊的事情现在却像天堂美景一样在脑际萦回。What had once seemed shallow and tedious now loomed in memory like paradise.