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什么是蛲虫?What is a pinworm ?

表明健康教育措施对控制蛲虫感染效果显著。Health education is in the significant effect in enterobiasis control.

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结论西宁市儿童蛲虫的感染呈下降趋势。Conclusion The infection rate of threadworm in our children is decreasing.

目的了解我省12岁以下儿童蛲虫感染情况。Objective TO investigate on children under 12 years old infected enterobius.

透明胶纸肛拭法查12岁以下儿童蛲虫卵。Oxyurid ova were examined for children younger than 12 by cellophane anal swab.

如果患儿有蛲虫、湿疹等疾病,及时请医生治疗。If children have pinworm, eczema and other diseases, timely treatment of a doctor.

驱蚊剂。用于驱蛔虫,蛲虫,绦虫,鞭虫,钩虫等。Insect repellent. Used to drive roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm, whipworm, hookworm, etc.

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这些疾病包括蛲虫、感,普通感冒、型肝炎和传染性痢疾。These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A and infectious diarrhea.

其中包括蛲虫、流感、普通感冒、甲肝、髓膜炎和传染性痢疾。These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

仅少数是于尿路病变、蛲虫病、脊柱裂等所致的器质性遗尿症。In those cases the most common factors are changes in the urinary tract, pinworms or spinal fractures.

目的观察三苯双脒肠溶片对钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫和蛲虫感染的驱虫效果和可能发生的不良反应。Objective To observe the curative effects of ivermectin combined with albendazole against hookworm and whipworm.

可用于防治勾虫、蛔虫、蛲虫、鞭虫、粪类圆线虫等肠道寄生虫病。Can be used to against hook worms, roundworm, pinworm, whipworm, Strongyloides stercoralis and other intestinal parasites.

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目的了解西宁市儿童蛲虫感染情况,更好地控制和减少蛲虫感染,保障幼儿健康成长。Objective To investigate the threadworm infection situation of children in out city and provide basis for the control of threadworm infection.

结论伊维菌素治疗鞭虫感染疗效优于阿苯达唑,治疗蛔虫感染疗效与阿苯达唑相同,治疗钩虫、蛲虫感染疗效不及阿苯达唑。Conclusion Ivermectin shows similar effect on Ascaris with albendazole, better effect on Trichuris and poorer effect on hookworm and Enterobius than albendazole.

目的探讨淮南地区儿童蛲虫感染情况,为深入研究蛲虫病提供科学依据。Objective To study Enterobius Vermicularis infection status of the children in Huainan area and in order to provide scientific evidence for controlling enterobiasis.

在健康教育干预点开展蛲虫病防治知识宣传教育,对照点不采取教育措施。Propaganda and education were administrated on the enterobiasis prevention and treatment knowledge in health education pilot, and they were not taken in control point.

采用改良加藤氏厚片法检查肠道蠕虫卵和对12岁以下儿童进行肛拭法检查蛲虫卵,并对检查结果进行统计分析。Methods To examine helminth eggs with Kato-Katz, and examine pinworm eggs with anal swab method for children under12years, then do statistics and analysis for the results.

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医生说许多疾病的传播可以通过洗手来防止。这些疾病包括蛲虫病,流感,普通感冒,甲肝,脑膜炎和痢疾。Doctor say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand washing. These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

医生说,很多病菌通过洗手就可以避免,包括蛲虫、流感、普通感冒、甲型肝炎、脑脊膜炎和感染性腹泻。Doctors say many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand washing. These include pinworms , influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.

医生说很多疾病能够通过洗手而阻止传播这些疾病包括蛲虫,普通性感冒,甲肝,脑膜炎和感染性腹泻。Doctor says many diseases can be prevented from spreading by hand washing. These include pilln pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis A, meningitis and infectious diarrhea.