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他是一个风云人物。He is a man.

他是吮下的风云人物。He is the man of day.

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哟,哥们,高中的时候你也算个风云人物呀。Damn Homie, in highschool you was tha man, homie.

1991年获选为「亚洲协会」风云人物。In 1991, Lam was named "Asia Society Man of the Year".

下面让我们回顾一下本年度网络风云人物前五名。The following is a list of 5 Internet figures in 2010.

他可是个风云人物!他在女人圈里相当受欢迎。He's quite a catch! He's always been popular with the ladies.

不过,这位曾经权倾一时的风云人物依然保持着清醒的头脑。However, this was the man of the hour is still too powerful to maintain a cool head.

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中国的风云人物郎平凭借惊人的扣球成为了中国强攻的带头人。Chinese sensation Lang Ping led their offensive force with her brilliant spiking power.

泰国商人施利华,是商界上拥有亿万资产的风云人物。Thai merchant Shi Lihua, is in the business circle has trillion property men of the hour.

他与闻一多相为伯仲,成为影响二、三十年代中国诗坛的风云人物。He was much the same as Wen Yiduo and had great influence on 1920"s to 1930"s poetry of China.

你曾经也是风流倜傥的风云人物,就像威尔特-张伯伦,只是你比他矮了点,白了点。You used to be the king of the random hookup. Like Wilt Chamberlain, only shorter, and whiter.

我立刻发了一封电子邮件,邀请我们当地的因特网风云人物——美国在线的首席执政官史蒂夫·凯斯。Iediately, I e-mailed an invitation to our local Internet hero, American Online CEO Steve Case.

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本来在大学时,谢特殊就是风云人物,良多女孩子喜好他,而他去从没有谈过爱情。Was in college, thank special is a heroic figure, girls be fond of him, and he never talked to love.

在这一学年中,柔丝成为了学校的风云人物。Over the course of the school year, Rose became a campus icon and easily made friends wherever she went.

然后,你可以问一问那些老人家,有多少高中时的风云人物成年后也“做到了”。Then ask some gray beard how many of the kids who were super-popular in high school "made it" as adults.

1960年代,科纳留斯·加拉赫似乎就要成为新泽西州民主党政治活动中的风云人物。In the 1960s, Cornelius Gallagher seemed to be the fair-haired boy of New Jersey Democratic Party politics.

梁启超作为中国近代史上的风云人物,他首先是一位政治家,其次是一位学者。Liang Qichao, as a well-known figure in modern history in China, was a statesman firstly, and was a scholar.

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泰国商人施利华,是商界上拥有亿万资产的风云人物。Thailand businessman Shi Li Hua , is the celebrity owning hundreds of millions assets on commercial circles.

该公司原有业务是阿里巴巴,由公司的风云人物马云于1999年创立。Thee company's original business was Alibaba. com, set up by the company's colourful founder, Jack Ma, in 1999.

她是移动分享网站FourSquare上的风云人物,还是一个不知厌倦拥护生活透明的人。She is huge on FourSquare, the mobile location-sharing service, and a tireless proponent of the life transparent.