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非常跳跃的音乐Pretty skippy.

腾跃以腾跃姿势跳跃…To leap in a curvet.

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超空间跳跃准备好了。Hyperdrive jump is ready.

这里有一个跳跃,是吗That's a bit skippy, isn't it?

狗跳跃着朝山下跑去。The dog bounded down the hill.

跳跃,低落,生来受苦。Jumped, humped, born to suffer.

火焰跳跃着迸发出火星。The flames leaped and sparkled.

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全部以齿轮连起在而且上面预备跳跃!All geared up and ready to jump!

我们在干草堆里跳跃,喷嚏声如此响亮。We jump in hay and sneeze so loud

那鹿轻松地跳跃着去了。The deer went off at an easy lope.

一只兔子跳跃着穿过花园。A rabbit lopped through the garden.

他绷紧肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed his muscles for the leap.

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他拉紧了他的肌肉准备跳跃。He tensed his muscles for the leap.

我是幽黑的海洋,粼光跳跃,绵延宽广I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide

它有着各种不寻常的跳跃It's got all these odd leaps to it.

她瘸了,只能跳跃。She is lamed, leaping over a stile.

鹿在树林中到处跳跃。The deer bounded through the woods.

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那匹马在跳跃之前先停了一下。The horse checked before he jumped.

在树叶中跳跃,一点儿也不碍事。and jump in leaves,there is no harm.

这简直就是太空跳跃者。For it is, literally, a space hopper.