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该党四分五裂。The party was deeply disunited.

敌人营垒四分五裂。The enemy camp is disintegrating.

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此次,重压之下的欧洲并未出现四分五裂的局面。Under stress, this time, Europe did not splinter.

有时,就在此时,他们把国家撕得四分五裂。And sometimes, like now, they tear the state apart.

许多项目失败了,许多项目四分五裂,支派横生。Many projects fail, but some become very disruptive.

当它四分五裂的时候,就会回到原来的那些部分。When that thing falls apart, you go back to the parts.

那个国家被部落间的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.

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飞机以那么高速飞行也许会四分五裂。The plane would probably disintegrate at that high speed.

种族间的激烈冲突把这个国家弄得四分五裂。The country was torn apart by fierce intertribal hostilities.

两个美军上去了,塔开始四分五裂。Two more marines went up, and the minaret began to come apart.

福特公司四分五裂、士气低落的经理们更需要一位坚决果断的领导。Its divided, dispirited managers also need decisive leadership.

该党也因派系斗争比以往更四分五裂。The party has also become more riven by factionalism than ever.

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路面四分五裂,倒塌了的旅馆的碎片横在了路中央。The roads were torn apart and blocked at points by collapsed inns.

波兰,这个曾经一度四分五裂甚至被从地图上抹去的国家,此刻却是出奇的平静和安宁。Poland, oft dismembered, even wiped from the map, is calm and at peace.

但对于这个本已多极化的国家,该宪章可能会让这个国家更加四分五裂。But the new charter risks further dividing an already polarised country.

昨天夜里一颗炸弹将我们乘坐的火车炸得四分五裂。Last night a bomb ripped apart the train in which we had been travelling.

作为家庭成员之一,我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。As a member, I grieve that God's family is as divided and as divisive as it is.

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然而,到那时乐队正四分五裂,且从未重整旗鼓。By then, however, the band was splintering up, never to regain its momentum. DH

他们关系中的裂缝逐渐变成了鸿沟,他们的婚姻也四分五裂了。The cracks in their relationship grew into a gulf, then their marriage fell apart.

“梦幻组合”将会让这个因为种族和阶级的差异而四分五裂的党派重新团结起来。The "dream ticket" would reunite a party that has fractured along lines of race and class.