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女性精神健康问题告急Mental health of women in crisis

我们都既告急又高兴。All of us were nervous and excited.

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船发出无线电旌旗灯号告急。The ship gave out radio signals for help.

着实抱歉这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事变告急。Sorry to bother you this late, but it's an emergency.

遇到告急环境时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button.

虽然这样钱包就不会告急,但是这几年来我们却积累下太多杂物。Easy on the wallet, not so great in terms of how much stuff we accumulated over the years.

狗屁自我维持经济,中国和日本的乾系近来为什麽那麽告急呀?Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently.

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中国企业不仅背负更多的债务,而且正在以仓皇告急的速度持续增加债务。Chinese corporations are not only burdened by more debt they are adding debt at an alarming rate.

中国企业不仅背负更多的债务,而且正在以仓皇告急的速度持续增加债务。Chinese corporations are not only burdened by more debt, they are adding debt at an alarming rate.

随着人们大量的领取,物资很快告急,不知新鲜物资何时才能到达。Supplies ran low as people stocked up, not knowing how long it would take for fresh goods to arrive.

大街上,健身房,办公室,到处都是这种真人面具,它的大卖也使得商店的库存频频告急。On the street. At the gym. In the office. And the stores?They're struggling to keep the masks in stock.

但是打了好几团体的德律风都不在学校,没方法只好告急李京了。However, I called quite a few friends and they were all not at school. I had no option but to call Li Jing for help.

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温家宝总理于上周末视察上周告急的灾区。Over the weekend, premier Wen Jiabao visited drought-stricken areas, where a state of emergency was declared last week.

来社区逛的朋友,慢慢地越来越多,服务器一而再再而三地告急。Come the friend that community rambles , slowly increasing, server one and again again and 3 ground are in an emergency.

本系统能够并联在任何一部通俗德律风上,可知足特别群体在碰到十分状况下的告急乞助。This system can parallel in any ordinary telephone, and can meet the special groups' needs in very urgent circumstances.

病房里唯一的光亮来自一台医疗器械,在那里忽闪着红灯,像是有什么告急了。The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red light as if in warning.

一种由于告急或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、偶然识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常产生在腿部或肩部。A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.

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在经过洛克莫丹北部时可以和「巡山人罗克加」接任务“丹奥加兹告急”而到了湿地的米奈希尔港则可以和「埃纳尔·石钳」接“日常供货”任务,我们会于其后处理这任务。Feel free to take the quest "The Algaz Gauntlet" in north Loch Modan and the quest "Daily Delivery" while going there, but we'll deal with those later.

广西东兰县近期遭遇50年一遇的严重干旱,全县8万余人饮水告急。More than 80000 people in Donglan county of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are suffering water shortages due to the most serious drought in 50 years.

他认为,随着可用的政策选项严重告急,目前各国政府该是时候抛开对既得利益的顾忌了.With policy ammunition running desperately short, he said it was time for governments to overcome their squeamishness about confronting vested interests opposed to change.