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这位警察给本部打电话报告他的新发现。The policeman rang in to report his new discovery.

在符合本部的规限下,政府船舶可注册。Subject to this Part, a Government ship is registrable.

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日本生产性本部从1977年起每年推出该白皮书。JPC has published annual white paper on leisure since 1977.

2004年保送入中央音乐学院本部。In 2004, was recommended to the Central Conservatory of Music.

生殖系统包括交媾器和生殖器本部。The reproductive system consists of mating and genital organs.

他们都是牧师,本部在边界对岸的中国。They actually were missionaries, based just across the border in China.

学生们表示,若不能回本部读书就退学。The students said that if this can not come back to school on the drop-out.

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合伙企业的帐簿应保存在企业营业处或企业本部。Traditionally, a firm is referred to a partnership, as opposed to a company.

在符合本部的规限下,政府船舶可注册。The Marine Department designs, procures and maintains all government vessels.

本部电影着重描写宗教内容,运用圣经旧约故事中的创世纪作为架构。The film heavily deals with religion and the biblical story of earth creation.

确保非本部的人员或闲杂人等一律不准进入货仓。Ensure that non HSKP staff and other people are not allowed to enter the store.

当天中午11点,巡展的第一个环节-场外咨询会在复旦本部食堂门前展开。The first part- Consultation Meeting begun at 11 o'clock outside the dining hall.

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2000年校本部从海口市龙华路旧校区迁至学院路新校区。In 2000, Hainan Medical College set up its new campus on Xue Yuan Avenue in Haikou.

本部设在德国的巴特百尔雷伯格,至今已在全球29个国家拥有分公司。Located in Bad Berleburg, Germany, EJOT is represented in 29 ries around the world.

本次口试将于台师大校本部温州街日本研究中心举行。The interview will be conducted in the Third floor of the Center for Japanese Studies.

济南军区和济南铁路局本部位于济南。Headquarters is located in Jinan Military Region and the Jinan Railway Bureau in Jinan.

目前已有500人在本部和在外地举办的培训班接受了培训。Over 500 people were trained so far in a number of in-house and outreach training courses.

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Widemile公司位于西雅图,大约有24名员工仍将留在本部。Widemile is a Seattle-based company and its roughly two dozen employees will stay on there.

除本部另有规定外,注册政府船舶如有以下情形,即不再是可注册的船舶。Subject to this Part, a registered Government ship ceases to be registrable , as follows, if.

我必须要请示一下公司本部才能救价格条件给你一个明确的答复。I'll have to consult my home office before I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.