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启闭设备养护修理。Maintenance and repair of hoisting device.

这辆车每年的养护费用越来越多了。It costs more and more to run this car each year.

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土壤养护的办法之一是利用防风林。One method of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks.

整体养护,形成夹带均一的地坪。The whole maintenance, forms smuggles the homogeneous ground.

此外该项目还注重公路养护和交通安全问题。The project will also address highway maintenance and safety issues.

混凝土的质量取决于得当的贯注、抹光和养护。Quality of concrete depends on proper placing, finishing, and curing.

因此,健康养护宜从脊柱开始!Therefore, health maintenance should start from protecting the spine!

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拆模后砼采用刷养护液养护。After stripping concrete using brush liquid conservation conservation.

养护温度取各湿喷桩养护期的平均气温。Take the average temperature in the curing time as curing temperature.

公路改造和养护合同的成本效益,而其它类型的合同并没有强调这一点。Cost-effectiveness of CREMA contracts compared to other types of contracts

蒸汽养护是高速铁路客运专线大体积箱梁冬季施工的关键环节。Steam curing is a key link of construction of large-volume box beam in winter.

这个数字还不包括道路养护及公寓翻修专案。That figure doesn't include road maintenance projects or apartment renovations.

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本文简要介绍了EMMS及在高速公路养护管理的应用。The paper introduced EMMS and its application in the maintenance of Expressway.

介绍了以欧姆龙PLC为核心的轨枕养护控制系统。This paper introduces control system of sleeper maintenance based on OMRON PLC.

在水中养护50天后,浆体中检测出二次钙矾石。After cured in water for 50 days, secondly ettringite in the paste was detected.

机器要不好好养护,久而久之就要生锈。If the machinery were not maintained properly, It would get rusty as time passes.

再生养护剂可使沥青路面上的细小裂缝基本愈合。Results show that the recycling agent can heal the small fracture in asphalt road.

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就本溪市农村公路管理养护进行了阐述。This article discussed the rural highway management and maintenance in Benxi City.

并在此基础上设计与实现了工程养护管理系统。We finish the design and implementation of a management system, project maintance.

因此养护和运营也是公路工程的重要部分。Consequently, maintenance and operation are important parts of highway engineering.