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试着振作起来。Try to cheer up.

他振作起来了吗?Did he straighten up?

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这会使他振作起来。This will ginger him up.

什么才能使他振作起来呢?What could shake him up?

擦干眼泪,振作起来!Dry your tears. Dheer up.

一剂咖啡因能让你振作起来。He perked up at the news.

别难过。振作起来!我也考砸了。Come on. Cheer up! Me too.

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请忘掉这件事,振作起来!Please forget it, cheer up!

我要先让你振作起来。I will go first hearten thee.

我要先让你振作起来。I will go first to hearten thee.

山中空气将使你振作精神。The mountain air will brace you.

有个好消息可以让你振作起来!This good news will hearten you.

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“这让我振作了起来,”他说。“How it cheered me up, ” he said.

她从失望中振作起来。She rebounded from disappointment.

振作起来,迎击新的挑战!Brace yourself for a new challenge!

如果你运气好,就能迅速振作起来。If you're lucky, you snap out of it.

这会激励我再次振作起来。It inspires me and reinvigorates me.

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凭自己的力量重新振作起来。Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。He encouraged the family to cheer Up.

他们需要有一个休假来使他们振作起来。They need a holiday to cheer them up.