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他一个山野村夫怎麽会懂得文学呢?How can the rustic understand literature?

西塞山野雁自翔,小桥水泽浸芳园。The wild goose cisse, small water extraction.

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山野公司坚持品质、服务、诚信的宗旨。Mountain company adhere to quality, service, integrity of purpose.

小组希望,在不远的将来能将人工圈养的猞猁放归山野。In the near future, it hopes to release captive-bred lynx into the wild.

在都市中体味山野的无限宁静,是一种最流行的惬意!Tasting the unlimited wild peace in the city is the most popular comfort.

蜜蜂在阳光下成群飞动,发出点点流动的光亮,构成了别具特色的山野风景。Bees are flying under the sunshine. This will be a special natural scenery.

是毛竹之嫩茎,长于山野河谷之中。It is tender caudex of Mao bamboo that grows in mountains and river valleys.

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这就是作者为什么要用那么多笔墨来写一个山野村妪形象的原因所在。This is why the author wrote so much about the image of an old country lady.

蓝天下,山野中,一个明亮的湖面出现在眼前,那是一座很大的水库。Mountains, blue sky, a bright lakes appear in the eyes, it is a large reservoir.

不要老宅在家里,走出去看看山野的风光。Don't the old house is in the home and walk out the scene of seeing the countryside.

你有意和我一起开发无量山野茶和生态茶吗?You intend to join me in the development of measureless mountain tea and ecological tea ?

葛根是一种藤本植物葛的根部,多生长在山野草丛和土壤深部。Radix puerariae is a kind of lianas kudzu roots and grow in the wild grass and soil depth.

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越过山岗,听见山野的呼唤。你狂热的想要去拉普兰。Over the hills, hear the call of the wild. You have yearning to go there, Lapland , madness.

我喜欢在秋天的山野游玩,因为那里的树叶会变成鲜艳的颜色。In fall, I like to visit the mountains because the foliage there changes into such vivid colors.

都市人对家居饰品的诉求,与山野里人们所追求的淳朴生活不谋而合。The need for household in cities is coherent with simple life wild people are pursuit in mountains.

狼最终舍弃了美丽的狐狸尾巴,回到山野,开始了新的生活。The wolf finally gave up the beautiful fox tail and returned to the mountains and started a new life.

谷泉会议中心背山面湖,坐落在北京郊区一处幽静的山野中。Guquan Conference Center is located in a mountainous area of Beijing outskirts, facing a tranquil lake.

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猴子们一见如此大队人马上山,都纷纷躲避,逃到深山野林中去了。Seeing so many people of the King coming up, monkeys in the hillside all ran away into the deep jungle.

夜幕降临后亮起的竹灯杆,仿佛在寂静山野中点亮的盏盏蜡烛,为山村平添一笔诗意。After nightfall, these light poles add some poetry to the village like candles lit in the quiet mountains.

可是,我总能时时感觉到山野的呼唤,我的心在那片云上,漂。But I can always feel the calls of the mountains from time to time. My heart is floating on the cloud there.