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论证了情报学研究方法的“统合”。It expounds and proves the "Unite"of informatics study.

最后讨论了情报学深化和突破需要解决的关键问题。Finally, some key problems needed to be solved are discussed.

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情报处理是情报学研究的重要组成部分。Information processing is an important component of informatics research.

情报学知识与自然科学知识都具有反身性。Both informatics knowledge and natural science knowledge have reflexivity.

最后,分析图书情报学与知识学之间的关联。Finally, the relation between library and information science and KS is analyzed.

于是情报学开始从“殖民地”向“帝国”的转变。Therefore, informatics is beginning to transform from a "colony" to all "empire".

图书馆学情报学期刊特色栏目的“栏目主持人”现象,对传统的编辑理念形成了冲击。Being a new phenomena, the"Column Anchorman"is bound to give an impact to the traditional editorial theory.

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信息构建目的是为了有效组织信息和优化信息环境,是情报学的重要理论。It emphasizes the integration of users, content and context, and studies sites-building strategies and process.

在我攻读硕士学位期间,我告诉我的一个同学我准备拿个图书情报学学位,他认为我疯了。During my undergraduate degree, I told a fellow student that I was going for my MLIS, and he thought I was crazy.

情报用户需求与情报行为研究是情报学的一个重要研究领域。Research on user's information requirements and information behavior is an important area in information service.

本文论述了黄纯元的图书馆学思想和图书馆情报学成果。This paper expands Huang Chunyuan 's thought of library science and the achievement of library and information science.

在多学科方法渗透到情报学领域的过程中,情报学产生了一种变为多学科的“殖民地”的危机感。In the process of multi- disciplinarity permeating the field of informatics, information experiences a crisis of being colonized.

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对于两国的差异及其原因进行分析,有针对性地指出我国图书馆学情报学师资队伍建设的对策。Identifies the differences, the reasons for the differences and the experience for reference for LIS faculty development in China.

文章首先论述了情报学的定义,在此基础上,论述了情报学的学科性质。At first article discuss define of information science on this basis, the article discuss subject character of information science.

共词聚类分析是情报学中进行学科热点探测、掌握学科发展脉络的一种主要方法,目前已经比较成熟得到了广泛的应用。Co-word clustering analysis is a kind of main method to explore the discipline hotspots, and it is widely used in Information Science.

介绍了元理论的概念及其在情报学基础理论研究中的重要性。This paper firstly introduces the conception of metatheory and discusses its importance in theoretical foundation of information science.

然后分析讨论了农业高校情报学教育的具体设想。Ideas about the strengthening of information education in agricultural universities and colleges were also analysed and discussed in this paper.

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本文通过阐述情报学与信息管理学之间存在的联系和区别,试对这两门学科进行对比分析。In this paper try to analyse about informatics and informational management science by explicating about the tie and difference between the tow.

多学科融合对我国的情报学教育产生了广泛而深远的影响。Multi-subjects amalgamation influences deeply on China's information science education and leads to the co-existence of opportunity and challenge.

布鲁克斯情报学体系中,人在情报活动中的认知结构是世界2和世界3相互作用的结果。In Brooks' information system, the cognition structure of people in information activities results from the interactivity of World -2 and World -3.