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他住在一座危楼中。He lived in an insecure building.

他走进那座危楼。He went into the insecure building.

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他走进那所危楼。He walked into that insecure building.

标牌警告人们不要接近这座危楼。The sign warns people to stay away from the dangerous building.

我们大家都希望拆除香港所有违章建筑的危楼。There is no one of us but wishes to remove all the illegal dangerous structures in Hong Kong.

通过几种方法的综合应用,成功地解决了软硬不均地基倾斜危楼的纠偏加固问题。The correction is successful due to the application of various methods on the heterogeneous foundation.

看到人们仍然住在这些危楼里让人很伤心,因为它们看上去随时有倒塌的危险。So it's very sad to see that the people are living in those dangerous buildings because they are so old that they can collapses anytime.

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专家解释说,这是因为灾害、贫困、社会问题、危楼还有霉运接踵而至。That's because of a killer combination of geography , poverty , social problems , slipshod building standards and bad luck, experts say.

泪满巾,纷乱的发丝,深秋的凉意,记不清多少个日夜,依旧独上危楼,等待。Tears full towel, the chaos of the hair silk, the late autumn, can't remember how much day and night cool idea, still dangerous, waiting for the alone.

约翰·基说,市心中的建筑都大多已成危楼,当局为避免民众进出危险,已经封锁,可能一直持续到圣诞节。John Key said, the city has become the heart of the most dangerous buildings, the authorities in order to avoid the public out of danger, has been blocked, possibly until Christmas.