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那是一个很笨重的行李箱。It was a heavy suitcase too.

坦克群笨重地爬上了山坡。The tanks hulked up the hill.

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他们拖着疲惫的身体、脚步笨重地走回了家。They exhaustedly stumped home.

使用化学燃料火箭是多么的笨重。Chemical rockets are ponderous.

一头犀牛笨重地向他们走来。A rhinoceros lumbered towards them.

电话是笨重的拨盘式的那种。The telephone is a heavy, rotary model.

他的笨重的靴子使他行走不便。His heavy boots cumbered him in walking.

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熊是体大而笨重、皮毛很厚的动物。The black bear is larger than the panda.

他们往往较大,笨重的笔记本电脑。They are often a larger, bulkier laptop.

这个胖女人的体态很笨重。The fat woman’s movements were ponderous.

士兵们会发现他们从笨重的防护服中终得解脱。Soldiers would find that a welcome relief.

虽然这是一种很笨重的实现方法。This is a very cumbersome approach, though.

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穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.

这里没有笨重的下载和更新机制.No downloads and no clunky updates mechanism.

房内堆满了笨重的家具。The room was encumbered with heavy furniture.

有笨重的货柜车,也有小货车。There are big container trucks and small vans.

他们的餐具一色都是笨重的金边瓷器。They were dining off heavy gold-trimmed china.

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他穿着笨重的靴子在厨房走来走去。He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots.

熊是体大而笨重、皮毛很厚的动物。The bear is a large, heavy animal with thick fur.

靠我们自己没法搬动那张又大又笨重的办公桌。We can't move that hulking great desk on our own.