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但它并不十分可爱,所以我没有收服他。But it wasn't very cute, so I left it.

还有一个是来收服你的。The third man is the one who come to conquer you.

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你那次晚餐聚会计划已经彻底收服我心啦!Your little dinner party plot totally won me over.

可他反而将水妖收服成他的仆人。But instead he has made the water demon his servant.

1992年的老布什有能力收服帕特·布坎南的反叛乐队?Could George Herbert Walker Bush tame Pat Buchanan's rebel band in 1992?

他知道已经收服了的老狐狸不怕他再脱逃。He knew that once he had caught the sly fox he need not worry about him escaping.

目前天冷,不如先去收服南方的魏国和楚国。The current cold weather, it is better first went to the south of Wei and Chu Shou Fu.

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五年期限将至,明涯决定帮助青冥收服旱魃。Five-year period to the Ming ya decided to help the green destiny soothed hydro-engineering.

一路上,雁南飞把收服霍华德的事情说了一遍。All the path, the wild goose south flies adopted a virtuous business of Huo China to say 1 time.

但是四喜将九妹认成了在温泉里的狐妖,唤来家人要收服她。But four xi will be nine sister became known in the hot springs of fox demon, sent a family to soothe her.

悟空捧牌位找玉帝,玉帝命李靖父子收服耗子精,放出唐僧。The Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly King Li and Nezha to subdue the mouse spirit and get Tang Priest out of the cave.

观音菩萨拯救世间苦难,以法力将红孩儿收服,成为善财童子,相助观音普渡众生。Avalokiteshvara saved the world suffering, will become red mana to rein, shancaitongzi, help the salvation of guanyin.

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一番谈话另高凌风斗志昂扬,并踏上了艰难的收服之路。Annals of wind scoop of additional Gao Ling of a talk is high-spirited, set foot on hardship control the route that take.

郭占山见到老鸭后情绪很激动,老鸭让他当众杀死金凤,金凤成了收服土匪的重要人物。Guo Zhanshan see old duck agitated, old duck let him kill her in public, her became the important characters soothe bandits.

但是自诩为豹女郎的老娘们儿及其粉丝们电闪雷鸣般地杀将回来,其势比麦当娜收服21岁男仔更迅猛。But faster than Madonna can pick up a 21-year-old male model, self-identified cougars and their supporters are striking back.

西哥特人惯于向世界索取,任何派系被他们收服,都将付出沉重代价。A people accustomed to taking what the world offers, the Visigoths rarely go hungry, and exact a heavy price on any factions they annexe into tributary states.

赤木指三湖精已被收服,将会以银河团的先进科学制造红色锁链来改做世界。Cyrus shows them the capture lake trio, and says with the advance science technology of Team Galactic, they shall create the Red Chain and begin their task to reform the world.

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事实上,一个目标明确,党性思想正确的艺术政策,的确能够帮助政府作为收服人心与推广宣传的重要利器。In the reality, one clear goal, art policy of rightness of the Partisanship can really helped government become important edge tool for propaganda and conquered the willing of people.