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岩石峡谷。Stone Canyon.

戈文去过那峡谷吗?Has Gwen been to the glen?

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我们参观了冰雨峡谷。We visited to Bingyu Valley.

这座桥的两头横跨峡谷。The bridge straddled the canyon.

索拉格特河峡谷。The gorge of the Dzoraget river.

巫峡是三峡中最长的一段峡谷。The Wu Gorge is about 40 km long.

这个峡谷从东向西延伸。The valley goes from east to west.

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这条羊肠小道突然下到一个狭窄的峡谷里。The trail ducks into a narrow gulch.

这条峡谷叫丹云峡。This valley is called Danyun Valley.

小溪在峡谷间潺潺流过去。The brook trickled through the valley.

这河曲曲弯弯地流过峡谷。The river meanders through the gorges.

传说在花江峡谷开始了又一次轮回。This fame have a metempsychosis again.

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他可以跳过地图上的烈风峡谷之类障碍。Barbarian can hop across gaps on the map.

飘飞于长空,浮上峡谷和山峦。That floats on high o'ver vales and hills.

这个峡谷以回声而闻名。The canyon is famous for producing echoes.

他发现了月球上的山川和峡谷。He found mountains and valleys on the moon.

辛巴看了看北边的峡谷。Simba views the rip-rap canyon to the north.

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所以我再次转回头,向峡谷口返回。So I turned and headed back down the canyon.

那条大路穿过峡谷。The main road goes through the mountain gap.

在拉筹伯峡谷,观点却有不同。At Latrobe valley, perceptions are different.