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王大夫是一位名医。Mr. Wang is a famous doctor.

我相信露西会成为名医。I believe Lucy will become a famous doctor.

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噢,很抱歉,我忘记了那位名医的姓名。Oh, sorry. I forget the famous doctor's name.

应立即找名医诊察。Skilled medical advice shall is at once seek.

他被那位名医治好。He was doctored back to health by the famous doctor.

这位名医将给那个婴儿做眼部手术。This well-known doctor will operate on the baby's eyes.

后来他去了巴黎,师从法国名医夏科特。He went to Paris to study with a famous French doctor, Charcot.

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如果他们今晚来的话就能见到那名医了。If they were to come tonight, they could meet the famous doctor.

熊林波2008年被评为岳阳市首界十大名医。Xiong Linbo was named one of the ten eminent doctors in Yueyang City in 2008

在马丁家里,白求恩和弗朗西丝会见了其它名医和社会名流。At Martin's home Bethune and Frances met other eminent doctors and socialites.

迈耶一家世代名医,从医是他们的祖传。The Mayers have been distinguished doctors for generations. It runs in the blood.

总结名医经验,弘扬祖国医学。It summarizes the famous doctors experience, and promotes traditional Chinese medicine.

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目前设有普通门诊、专科门诊、专家和名医门诊、VIP门诊等,病房床位46张。The clinical service provides general, consultant and VIP clinic. The in-patient ward has 46 beds.

早在两千多年前,战国时代名医扁鹊就开始使用麻醉药。About 2000 years ago , a famous doctor Bianque in Warring States Period begun to use the anaesthetic.

约翰·斯诺是伦敦的一个名医——他是如此的权威以至于当了维多利亚女王的御医。John snow was a famous doctoc in London-so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as personal.

西方草药的历史可以追溯到古希腊的名医希波克拉底和盖伦。Western herbal medicine dates back to ancient Greece and its famous doctors like Hippocrates and Galen.

造就名医是个系统工程,理论和实践统一才有功底。To train the famous doctors is a systemic program, which needs the combination of the practice and theory.

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实施“名医、名科、名院”战略,关键在于保持和发展重点学科的优势。The key factor of" famous doctor, famous discipline and famous hospital" strategy was develop key discipline.

我在与病魔在挣扎,在痛苦中寻求名医,我不相信没有治不好我病的医生。I have struggled with the illness, in pain to seek doctors, I do not believe the doctor did not cure my illness.

唐政府组织名医对针灸穴位考订和校定图书,这项工作前无古人。The government arranged for well-known physicians to verify acupoints and proofread books, which was unprecedented.