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不管怎样,这个策略一直让参与人各取所需,直至最近危机爆发。The strategy worked brilliantly for all participants—until recently, anyway.

孔子只是一个符号,不同的人给他赋予不同的含义,然后各取所需。Different people give Confucius different meanings in the United States of America.

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各取所需,用餐者对自己偏爱的菜肴只管取用,不必担心会有人嘲笑自己。For their diner, to get the dishes just access preference, do not worry about someone will laugh at yourself.

如果没有人为的破坏,自然界中的各种生物总是各取所需,平衡地进化着、发展着。Without man-made destruction, the creatures in the nature always get what they want and evolve in a balanced manner.

我们应该各取所需,时不时来看看有什么新的情况,而且不用担心会错过什么。You take what you need, go in every now and then to see what’s going on, and don’t worry that you’re missing things.

“上帝赋予我们森林,我们各取所需,”23岁的弗兰瑟尔说,在接受采访时他不肯透露自己的全名。“God gave us the forest so that we could take what we need,” said Francel, a 23-year-old man who uses only one name.

历代对陶渊明的接受都各取所需,各有侧重,因此造成了陶渊明形象的多样性。In each dynasty Tao Yuanming was accepted depending on its needs and purposes. So the image of Yuanming is complexity.

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创奇服装服务公司在这个完善的平台,帮你们各取所需,从而双方达到双赢的局面!Chuang-Qi apparel companies in this perfect platform to help you both sell and buy, thus the two sides to achieve a win-win situation!

不过人也出落得更美艳了,他没有拒绝她,男欢女爱,各取所需,没有谁欠谁。However too the person comes to more pretty, he didn't refuse her, man delights the feminine love, each take need, have no who owe who.

提供个性化服务是“各取所需”的体现,也是数字资源建设的最高目标。Offering personalized services is a supreme goal for digital sources construction. which embodies "taking what one needs" in the services.

这时女主出现了,两人决定各取所需,弟弟以帮女主还债务为条件让女主和自己假结婚。She appeared at this moment, two people decide to get, the younger brother to help Japanese debt also let the Japanese and their false get married.

在他们看来代孕应该是普遍可以接受的,并且认为是各取所需,没什么可大惊小怪的。They may consider the surrogate as a generally acceptable thing, and be of the opinion that each takes what he wants , it should not be a big fuss.

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百度又想出了“共享”,共享应该是我把我家里的东西端出来,你把你家里的东西端出来,然后放一起大家各取所需。Baidu then came up with "sharing". Sharing should be that I donate my goods, you donate yours, and then we all take home what each of us likes best.

在朝贡贸易中,双方各取所需,促进了各自经济文化的发展,增进了传统友谊。During the trade Song and Gaoli could both get benefit, promote the development of their own economy and culture and improve the traditional friendship.

同学们拿出公选课书籍进行交换,各取所需,这一活动为同学们节省了部分购书支出,并避免了大量教材的闲置浪费。Elective students out of the exchange of books, to get this activity for students to save some of acquisition expenses, and to avoid a lot of waste materials.

这是东西方戏剧酝酿突变与转型的开始,泰戈尔和西方剧作家各取所需地从对方的文化因素中汲取各自需要的艺术精神与表现手法,从而推动了各自戏剧艺术的发展。It's the beginning of the East and West dramas to change their article styles. Tagore and dramatists in the West learn from each other and push their dramas forward.

充份利用网上媒体优势的新闻报道使读者成为参与者,让他们在各种资讯中各取所需。An online story that takes full advantage of the new medium allows the reader to become a participant, choosing his or her own path through the information presented.

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网络的重要性人所共知,它为人们提供了一个各取所需的自由空间,衣、食、住、行、用、学、乐问题都可以在网络上找到达答案。As we all know the Internet is very important, and it provide a free space in witch all questions could be found their answers such as clothes, food, transport and use.

双赢的协商技巧,就是把交易当成双方的共同问题,互相帮忙各取所需,也就不会有输家的产生、心存怨恨及不好的感受。This means that a negotiation is approached as a joint problem where both people help each other get what they need. There are no losers, no hard feelings and no resentment.

汉初三杰与刘邦合作的原因是他们通过亡秦各取所需,合作解体是因为刘邦、吕后二人对三杰的不信任。The reason why Liu Bang cooperated with three outstanding heroes of the early Han Dynasty was that each of them wanted to take the needed from the collapse of the Qin Dynasty.