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货物已起运。The goods are on their way.

最少一立方起运!Marine transportation A Yuan per cubic !

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你们是以中国还是美国港口为起运港?Are you F. O. B. China or F. O. B. United States port?

这些象牙被装入集装箱,伪装成合法进出口产品起运。The ivory was moved in containers disguised as legal import-export commodities.

起运港,目的港,装运港/装货港,卸货港,转运港。Departure Port, Destination Port, Loading Port, Unloading Port, Transferring port.

至于装运从海湾合作委员会的国家或阿拉伯法定的城市起运,鉴定书不需要出具。For shipment from GCC countries or Arab country Legalization and authentication is not required.

天津港起运国际海运最优价格,舱位保证。Offer Tianjin Port international ocean shipping service, with best price, guarantee of shipping space.

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我方为你公司提供2000吨化学肥料,每长吨150,CIF越南,4月起运。We offer you firm 2,000 tons of chemical fertilizer at £150 per long ton CIF Vietnam deliver in April.

叙述了大树移植过程中需做的各种前期工作、起运栽植的方法以及最后的养护管理。It also states prophase work, transporting and inseminate method, conservation and management in the transplanting process.

日本贸易部长证实,此种高科技产品的生产原料本周开始起运。Japan's trade minister confirmed that shipments of the minerals, vital for making a number of hi-tech products, started this week.

每一夜,小说家和他自己搏斗,在斗室内,像挖掘壕沟那样地起运著胸膛内的土……。Every night the novelist is fighting with himself in a confined space, taking out soil from his heart like he is excavating a ditch.

若因甲方原因延误起运日期而造成工程进度,则实际影响的周期顺延。If the project progress is influenced by the delay of the delivery date for Party A's reason, the practically impacted cycle extends accordingly.

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一台叉架起货机将他连人带床吊起运到货车上,货车将他搬运到该湖,他在那里享用鱼和蔬果小吃,并且与一个当地船业者开玩笑。A forklift hoisted the bed onto the truck, which then hauled him to the lake, where he snacked on fish and vegetables and joked with a local boat operator.

从事石刻30年之久、专研于艺术家新雕塑的创作、旧作翻新及艺术品的迁移,现在,他将着手负责把著名的小美人鱼从哥本哈根海港起运,并最终安全抵达世博会丹麦馆。He has worked as a stonecutter for 30 years and during his career, he has created new sculptures for artists, renovated old ones and moved them from one spot to another.

从事石刻30年之久、专研于艺术家新雕塑的创作、旧作翻新及艺术品的迁移,现在,他将着手负责把著名的小美人鱼从哥本哈根海港起运,并最终安全抵达世博会丹麦馆。He has worked as a stonecutter for 30 years and during his career, he has created new sculptures for artists, renovated old ones and moved them from one spot to another.

甲方工厂加工后的成品,在甲方工厂经乙方验收起运后,甲方不负产品规格、质量、短缺等任何责任。After the finished products are inspected and shipped from the plant by Party B, Party A shall be free of any responsibility in regard to specifications, quality and quantity, etc.

本文介绍了大树移植技术这一课题。叙述了大树移植过程中需做的各种前期工作、起运栽植的方法以及最后的养护管理。This paper introduces the task of transplanting big trees. It also states prophase work, transporting and inseminate method, conservation and management in the transplanting process.