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她问道。" she asks.

杰希问道。Jesse asked.

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德斯蒙德图图问道。Desmond Tutu.

杰瑞米问道。Jeremy asked.

韦弗问道。Weaver asked.

博多先生问道。Mr. Porto asked.

圣泰门问道。St. Timon asked.

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穆罕默德问道。” asked Muhammad.

罗恩终于问道。Ron asked finally.

他问道。Cordell?" he asked.

希金斯夫人问道。Mrs. Higgins asked.

我问道,坐了下来。I ask, sitting down.

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我客气地问道。I inquired politely.

“什么成了?”我问道。“Yes,what?” I asked.

我屏住呼吸问道。I asked breathlessly.

我怀疑地问道。I asked suspiciously.

我想都不想就问道。I asked unthinkingly.

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我问道印度阿三的味道了。I smell a Hindu troll.

赛斯问道。Seth Paulsen asked him.

席德讽刺地问道。Sid asked sarcastically.