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不能再耽搁时间了。There's no time to lose.

耽搁了两周。Procrastinated for 2 weeks.

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决议已被耽搁了。The decision has bottlenecked.

此事不容耽搁。The matter allows of no delay.

我不明白他为什么耽搁那么久。I wonder why he tarried so long.

快点,一刻也不能耽搁。Be quick, not a moment to be lost!

这事耽搁了我非常抱歉。I’m extremely sorry for the delay.

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快走,别再耽搁一分钟。Downtown, don't wait a minute more.

我该为这个耽搁向你道歉。I owo you to apology for the delay.

这件事不容许再耽搁了。The matter brooks no further delay.

两批人都耽搁得很晚才回来。Both parties were delayed very late.

事情耽搁太久就没有人会感谢了。Long tarrying takes all thanks away.

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还有什么事情能把他耽搁在诺兰庄园呢?What else can detain him at Norland?

这一耽搁造成很大不便。The delay caused great inconvenience.

耽搁是机遇的行刺者。Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.

我也曾在某些任务中耽搁了。Also, I did procrastinate on certain tasks.

途中遇事耽搁,故未能按期到达。I was held up on the way and so I was late.

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但是明天可能下雨,不要耽搁了。It might rain tomorrow. Don't procrastinate.

对方推托说这次耽搁是无法避免的。The other made excuse for unavoidable delay.

来往车辆很多,我们在路上耽搁了半小时。We were delayed by road-works for two hours.