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一个男人隐隐出现在黑暗中。A man loomed up out of the darkness.

在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆。A flagpole loomed up through the mist.

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我隐隐地害怕是对的。Part of me was afraid they were right.

大雁塔隐隐在望。The Wild Goose Pagoda was dimly visible.

但回家的一路上,伤痛依然隐隐发作。But all the way home, the pain ­remained.

他感到脑袋隐隐地抽痛。He felt a dull throbbing pain in his head.

所有的人都隐隐地联系起来。All the people and things were linked together.

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凝滞的空气中隐隐有股家具上光剂的味道。The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish.

听到祢的声音隐隐穿过一切喧嚣To hear Thy voice through all the tumults stealing

好像莉莉的脖颈间隐隐地真有一条红色的印迹。It seems vaguely there was a red mark in Lily's neck.

慢慢地大地隐隐地冒出海面,显得很美。Slowly and beautifully the land loomed out of the sea.

心里一潭平静中,隐隐有着欲动的波澜。Mind a calm lake, the faint wish to move with the waves.

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跟以前一样,他还是会感觉到心里在隐隐地作痛。And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart.

有一股甜丝丝的气息,使人隐隐感到像是咖啡。There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee.

突然,她隐隐感觉旁边有人,是那个小孩。Suddenly, something loomed up beside her. It was the child.

当我凝视着你的眼睛,我能看见你隐隐的爱恋。But darlin' when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same.

的面孔上的表情是一种隐隐的不安。The lines of his fastidious face showed a vague disquietude.

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我的心里似乎隐隐的透进了几丝阳光。My heart seemed to faint in sunlight penetration into the Jisi.

由于爱人的死,她感到一种隐隐的却是终生的痛。She felt a secret life-long sorrow over the death of her adored.

我们并不明确地知道他们做了什么或者说了什么,但是我们隐隐感觉到了。We don’t know specifically what they did or said but we feel it.