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我们厌倦了机器人美女。We're tired of fembots.

什么是美女?你呗!The beautiful is for you.

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生日快乐,我最亲爱的美女。Happy b'th day, dear Mama.

你知道你是个绝色美女。You know, you re a knockout.

你知道,你是个绝色美女。You know, you are a knockout.

金钱美女玩不得。Dally not with money or women.

我要花一元买个美女!I ' ll buy that for a dollar !

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漂亮的金发美女不全是傻瓜。Blonde faire is not a dumbbell.

我喜欢所有的美女。I like all the beautiful women.

很明显他没能打造出一位绝世美女。A pretty woman, he does not make.

红场,俄罗斯美女,伏特加酒Red Square, beautiful women, vodka.

主持是凤凰卫视的美女杨舒。The beautiful MC is from Phoenix TV.

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不知道,我只知道四大美女。No , I only know Four Great Beauties.

这美女甚感安慰。The young woman was solaced somewhat.

为什么美女会与丑男约会?Why do beautiful women date ugly men?

才没有。我喜欢所有的美女。You don't have to be so confirmative.

我认为她是女孩子中的美女。I think she is a looker among the girls.

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就像那个美女还是老虎的谜题!Talk about a lady-or-the-tiger conundrum!

这是美女贝拉磨娜,岩石的女人。Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks.

一群美女的共同点是什么?What do a group of blondes have in common?