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我们将会埋葬你。We will bury you.

他昨天被埋葬。He was buried yesterday.

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我们能将其埋葬于视野之外。We can bury it out of sight.

未埋葬的死尸到处都是。Unburied dead lay everywhere.

盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。A casket for the body to bury.

我爸爸在埋葬死狗。My father is burying a dead dog.

在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。Rebury hastily at dead of night.

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让我穿上红色的寿衣,埋葬我!Bury me, in such a shroud of red!

这场寒雪又一次将它埋葬。Harbin again this will bury them.

他把一切埋葬起来,不留痕迹。He's burying it and leaving no trace.

埋葬在自由女神的身旁。Buried besides the Goddess of liberty.

他被装进了美国海军的埋葬袋里。He was placed in a US Navy burial bag.

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我不会下埋葬自己杂费。I won't bury myself under incidentals.

财主也死了,并且埋葬了。The rich man also died and was buried.

圣堂骑士骑士在教堂中埋葬。Templar Knights entombed in the church.

济慈被埋葬于罗马的一处古墓园。Keats sleeps in an old cemetery in Rome.

彼得大帝于1725年被埋葬在这里。Peter the Great was buried here in 1725.

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他们把这些牺牲者埋葬在他们阵亡的地方。They buried the victims where they fell.

他们在教堂墓地里把死者埋葬了。They buried the corpse in the churchyard.

贪心甚至最终将埋葬好运。Greed will bury even the lucky eventually.