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我热爱沟通。I love communicating.

每周和你的配偶沟通。Talk with your SO weekly.

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建立人际沟通技巧。Build interpersonal skills.

激励与沟通。Motivates and communicates.

并且和他们沟通。And communicate that to them.

因为你不能眼对眼的沟通Because you can’t see eye to eye

他也无法和我们沟通。He couldn't communicate with us.

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我的沟通能力很强。I have good comunication skills.

内人和我之间缺乏沟通。My wife and I do not communicate.

今天是一次沟通讨论会。This is a communications seminar.

我们无法和他沟通。We couldn't communicate with him.

加强与配偶和孩子们的沟通。Reconnect with Your Spouse and Kids.

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架构师是一位很好的沟通者The architect is a good communicator

您可以学到如何流畅的沟通思想。You learn to communicate your ideas.

另一个重点就是沟通交流。Another is the idea of communication.

我喜欢煳我的家人沟通。I like to communicate with my family.

麦特说他可以跟狗沟通。Matt said that he is a dog whisperer.

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双方还可以充分利用经贸混委会机制,同时也应该加强两国企业的直接联系和沟通,开辟合作的新渠道。The two sides may also fully leverage

然而,他们可以与她沟通。Yet, they could communicate with her.

发言时采取有理有据的沟通方式Communicate persuasively when speaking