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非常简单Very simple.

简单阿,按下1G。Simple, press 1G.

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他头脑简单.He's simple-minded.

他头脑简单。He is simple-minded.

这是简单的数学题。This is simple math.

简单.ZooKeeper is simple.

真的是很简单的程序。Real simple programs.

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简单一点的子问题的最优方案来解决问题。Optimal sub structure.

散文,他简单地说。Prose, he said simply.

简单的头信息。Simplicity of headers.

简单概括一下就是So again, let's recap.

这是相当简单的。This is pretty simple.

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很简单。,Well,,temp,is,easy。,那里是。temp temp There's temp.

事实上,一个简单的“汪!”In fact, a simple “Woof!

这是非常简单的道理It's a very simple idea.

我只写简单朴素。I write about simplicity.

这似乎简单易懂。It seems straightforward.

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但事情并不那么简单。But it is not that simple.

生活中我喜欢简单。I like simplicity in life.

我问你点简单的。I'll make it easy for you.