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不过,撒切尔还是以自己的准绳贯彻实施了法律。Thatcher laid down the law.

正确的准绳只是这一刻。The correct yardstick is just for this moment.

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这里谈不上坚守道德准绳的问题。There can be no question of holding forth on ethics.

真实的成果是衡量成功的准绳。Real results should be the yardstick for measuring success.

他们树立的标准,将是热火队衡量自己的准绳。They set the standard by which the Heat measure themselves.

化装品对此在准绳上不起任何作用。Cosmetics yardstick not afford to go any role in this regard.

他成为一名吸毒者,从而违抗了社会德性准绳。He deviconsumedd from society by to come to be drug mistreatr.

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不要忘记,那手拿准绳的今天仍和我们同在。Never forget, the Man with the measuring line is with us today. --- J. G . M.

你只要根据他们是否忠于准绳而进行简单地赞美或者批评他们。You simply praise or condemn artists according to their fidelity to the norm.

准绳上垫过膨体之后最好不要再注射其它。Criterion on the mat had better not be expanded after the injection of the other.

在本人国公布新管帐原则中,慎重性准绳获得了进一步的表现。In China's new accounting standards promulgated, prudence principle has been further.

这是衡量一切改革措施的重要准绳。This is an important yardstick against which all reform proposals should be measured.

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但衡量幸福水平的准绳很难把握,而钱也并非唯一能够对其产生影响的因素。But happiness is elusive to define, and money isn't the only thing that influences it.

第三个国家便是美国,它完全建立在共和准绳基础上。The third newcomer -- the United States -- based itself squarely on republican principles.

所以,在耶和华的会中,你必没有人拈阄拉准绳。Therefore thou shalt have none that shall cast a cord by lot in the congregation of the LORD.

这会令市场质疑有关欧元的安排是否有财政准绳。It would raise doubts whether there was any financial anchor at all for the euro arrangements.

凡依这准绳按规矩行的,愿平安怜悯加给他们,也加给上帝的以色列民。And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.

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慈心善举、扶贫助困,是他一向对峙地准绳。With compassion benevolence, poverty alleviation multi-approached, he always sticks to the principle.

杰出的战役是安康的,建立性的,并带来了婚姻对等同伴关系的准绳。Good battle is healthy and constructive, and brings to a marriage the principles of equal partnership.

我也失掉过关于在VIP中谁可以额定失掉与巴关私人会面时机的指导准绳。I also got guidelines as to who among the VIPs additionally could get a private meeting with Bhagavan.