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噢,瘸腿的圣徒!Oh, lame saint!

并非所有人都能像圣徒那样生活。Not all could saint.

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她是像个圣徒似的死去吗?Did she die like a saint?

他是在1767年被正式宣布为圣徒的。He was canonized in 1767.

加伯列吹起号角,圣徒齐步前进。And the saints go marching in.

做思想的哑巴圣徒。Be crazy dumb saint of the mind.

他父亲是个虔诚的圣徒。His father is a pious confessor.

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我会成为一个冰清玉洁的圣徒。I'll be a double-distilled saint.

自然对一个圣徒来说是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

对一个圣徒来说,自然是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

一扇开著的大门可一个圣徒。An open entrance weselves tempt a saint.

圣徒帕特里克纪念日-爱尔兰国庆节。St. Patrick's Day-national day of Ireland.

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这就是保罗在哥林多的圣徒里看到的。And this is what Paul saw in theCorinthians.

因为在他看来哥林多的圣徒已经得救了。For he views the Corinthiansas already saved.

保罗还称赞他们向众圣徒显出爱心。Paul also said they had love for all the saints.

罗密欧圣徒与香客难道没有嘴唇?ROMEO Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?

岂不知圣徒要审判世界吗。Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?

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达吉斯坦在导师的年代被称为“圣徒之地”。Daghestan in his time was known as "the Land of Saints."

第一次,一位当地美国人被封为圣徒。For the first time, a Native American was named a saint.

罗伊·基恩在这场比赛中被罚下,曼联第六次被圣徒击败。Roy Keane is sent off as United are hit for six at the Dell.