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门关得牢牢的。The door's shut tight.

他想做的就是想把他们牢牢地钳制住But he can control them there.

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那船牢牢地搁浅在沙洲上。The ship stuck fast on the bar.

我的嘴巴闭得牢牢的呢。My lips are buttoned, right now.

铁锚在汹涌的波涛中牢牢吃住不动。The anchor held in the rough sea.

这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。The usage is now firmly indurated.

溺水的人连一根麦杆也会牢牢抓住。A drowne man will catch at a straw.

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他把手臂从她牢牢抓住的手中抽出来。He disengaged his arm from her grip.

你们得牢牢记住You've got to get this in your head.

苏格兰队牢牢控制了比赛。Scotland took the game by the throat.

我感觉到他的手牢牢抓住我的胳臂。I felt the clench of his hand on my arm.

海报牢牢地粘在墙上。The playbill was stuck down on the wall.

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首先,不要把赚钱这件事牢牢的记在心上。First, don't put money it firmly in mind.

把我的心的判断力钩得牢牢?Whereto the judgment of my heart is tied?

牢牢去刷但要轻一些,从后向前。Brush firmly but gently from back to front.

罗杰把绳子牢牢地拴在金属环上。Roger made the rope fast to the metal ring.

她太笨,不懂去牢牢抓住完治的心。She did not know which firm seize his heart.

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这就像是想去牢牢抓住语言。It's as if he's trying to hold language down.

她企图挣脱他的牢牢抓住的手。She tried to disengage herself from his grip.

惊恐的男孩牢牢抓住妈妈的手。The frightened boy gripped his mother's hand.