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猪的链球菌怎么治疗?Of the pig streptococcic how to treat?

例如,乳酸菌,乳链球菌。Lactobacillus spp. , Streptococcus lactis.

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猪崽的了链球菌该用什么药物治疗?Of pig cub streptococcic with what should medication?

它并不能防止溶血性链球菌的感染。It does not prevent infection by hemolytic streptococci.

链球菌性炎能向邻近组织播散。Streptococcal infection can spread to nearby structures.

控制猪链球菌病的感染,重在预防。Prevention is the emphasis on controlling S. suis infection.

本文研究了乳酸链球菌素对虾肉糜保鲜的作用效果。Nisin in extending the shelf life of shrimp mince was studied.

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链球菌对青霉素和氨苄西林明显耐药。Streptococcus was resistant against penicillin and ampicillin.

各组儿童的链球菌感染均被记录。All strep infections were recorded for both groups of children.

动物试验表明10株猪链球菌对小鼠均有致病性。Animal Test shows 10 strains were all highly pathogenic to mice.

肺炎链球菌的电脑绘图。Computer artwork of chains of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.

因此你的抗体错误地把基底节当成链球菌来攻击。So the antibodies mistake the basal ganglia for strep and attack.

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对嗜热链球菌进行葡萄糖、麦芽糖和蔗糖的发酵试验。Thermophilus carbohydrate fermentation, and glucose is used for S.

链球菌主要对林可酰胺类和喹诺酮类耐药性强。Streptococcus mainly lincosamide and quinolone resistance is strong.

护士为我做了一个快速的链球菌的检查,喉咙没有这个病菌。The nurse gave me a strep test and luckily I didn't have strep throat.

2000年,只有美国启动了使用链球菌肺炎疫苗的进程。In 2000, only the USA had initiated routine use of pneumococcal vaccine.

在许多情况下,这些生物体是链球菌或葡萄球菌等病菌。In many cases, these organisms are streptococci or staphylococci bacteria.

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猪链球菌感染于二零零五年八月二日列为须呈报的传染病。Streptococcus suis Infection has been made notifiable since 2 August 2005.

揭示了链球菌多肽和编码它们的多核苷酸。Streptococcus polypeptides and polynucleotides encoding them are disclosed.

单独靠临床症状来诊断儿童A族链球菌咽喉炎是不可靠的。Diagnosis of GAS pharyngitis based on clinical features alone is unreliable.