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乐队奏乐欢送贵宾。The band played the guests off.

欢送来到膀催眠的花园。Welcome to the hypnotic garden.

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或许,给你办一场欢送派对?Perhaps a farewell party instead?

我们在机场热烈欢送了他们。We gave them a warm send-off at the airport.

我们在机场热烈欢送了他们。We were given a great send-off at the airport.

他走了,不愿留上去做个不受欢送的主人。He went rather than stay as an unwelcome guest.

当你今天夜里欢送她的时候,舞动。Dance when you go to give her the send-off this night.

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欢送到北京,我来介绍北京给大家。Welcome to BeiJing, now let me introduce Beijng to you.

我们在机场热烈欢送代表团。The delegation was given a warm send-off at the airport.

美国民众集体欢送大熊猫泰山。Americans have bid a fond farewell to giant panda Tai Shan.

毋庸然正确,欢送教正、补充。Needless to literally correct, farewell to teach is to supplement.

这天早晨,为了欢送我们,连队大排宴席。That morning, the company arranged a great banquet to send us off.

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本人爱本人的家乡,欢送大师来本人的家乡旅游。I Iove my hometown, welcome all of you to visit and travel my hometown.

另一方面临于新来的工作火伴暗示欢送和鼓舞。On the other hand welcome to the new job companion and the encouragement.

今天有不到之处,欢送大家提出可贵看法,以便下次改良。Today there are less than, welcome the valuable advice, so the next improvement.

欢送的人群仍然站在那没有动,火车拐了一道弯,消失在人们的视野之外。The crowd stood still. The train moved around a curve and could no longer be seen.

离开莫斯科时,俄罗斯政府为温家宝举行了隆重的欢送仪式。Upon leaving Moscow, the Russian government held a grand farewell ceremony for Wen.

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我想起码头上送行的人们,他们对我们寄予希望,向我们投掷巧克力,热情地欢送我们。All those faces on the quayside, well-wishers throwing chocolates, beamed happiness.

80个国度踢欧式足球,使它成为天下上最受欢送的活动。European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.

离开阿克拉时,加纳总统库福尔在机场举行隆重仪式欢送温家宝总理一行。President of Ghana John Agyekum Kufuor held a grand ceremony at the airport to see him off.